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JLPT N1 Grammar: をものともせず (o monotomo sezu)

をものともせず (o monotomo sezu)

Meaning: in defiance of

How to use the: Noun + をものともせず(に)

Used with the intention of doing something courageous, fearless, despite facing harsh or difficult conditions.

Example sentences:
1, 彼らのヨットは、あらしをものともせずに、荒海を渡り切った。
Karera no yotto wa, arashi o mono-tomo sezu ni, araumi o watari kitta.
Their sailboat, wearing a storm, passed through the storm.

2, 僕だいな借金をものともせずに、彼は社長になることを引き受け、事業を立派に立ち直らせた。
Boku daina shakkin o mono-tomo sezu ni, kare wa shachō ni naru koto o hikiuke, jigyō o rippa ni tachinaora seta.
Despite the huge debt, he accepted to be the director, and he accepted to reshuffle his business in a respectable manner.

3, エジソンは周囲の非難をものともせずに、実験を続けた。
ejison wa shuui no hinan o monotomo sezu ni, jikken o tsuzuketa.
Edison ignored people’s criticism and continued his experiment.

4, 周囲の批判をものともせずに、彼女は自分の信念を貫き通した。
Shūi no hihan o mono-tomo sezu ni, kanojo wa jibun no shin’nen o tsuranukitōshita.
She upheld her beliefs, despite the criticisms of those around her.

5, 彼女は親の反対をものともせずに、彼と結婚した。
kanojo wa oya no hantai o monotomo sezu ni, kare to kekkon shita.
She ignored her parents’ objection and married him.