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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 5 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 5 Grammar

Lesson 5 introduces us to the expanded grammar patterns of locations and facilities, along with other small but important grammar patterns.

1. N (location) + へ + いきます / きます / かえります
Meaning: To go / to / return to N (location)
Usage: To describe the action of going / going / returning to a certain place. When the verb indicates movement, the particle trợ được is used after the noun indicating the direction or place.
[へ] in this case え is read as [え]
For example :
ながさきへ いきます。
I go to Nagasaki.

ブラジルへ きました。
I went to Brazil.

くにへ かえります。
I come home.

2. ど こ 「へ」 も い き ま せ ん / い き ま せ ん で し た
Meaning: Not going anywhere!
Usage: When you want to completely negate the object (or range) of the question in question, use the adjective 「も」. In this sentence form, the verb is in the negative form.
For example :
I do not go anywhere

I didn’t eat anything

There is no one

3. N (transportation) + で + いきます / きます/ かえります
Meaning: How to / to / from
Usage: The adjective 「で」 indicates the means or method of doing something. When using this auxiliary after the noun indicating the means of transport and used with the moving verb (い きます|きます|かえります), it indicates the mode of transportation.
For example :
I go by train.

I arrived by taxi.

In case of walking, use 「あるいて」 without 「で」

I walked from the station

4. N (people / animals) + と + Verbs
Meaning: What to do with whom / what
Usage: Use the expression 「と」 to indicate an object (human or animal) performing the same action
For example :
I went to Japan with my family.

In the case of an action taken alone, use 「ひとりで」. In this case, the expression 「と」 is not used.

I go to Tokyo alone.

5. い つ
Meaning: When
Usage: Used to ask when the time to do or something happened. For 「いつ」, don’t use the 「に」 adverb after
For example:
When did you come to Japan?

I came to Japan on March 25.

When are you going to Hiroshima?

Next week I will go.

6. よ
Usage: at the end of sentences to emphasize certain information unknown to the listener, or to emphasize the speaker’s opinion or judgment towards the listener
For example :
Does this train go to Koshien?

No, don’t go. The next train usually goes.

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