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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 38 Grammar

Minna no Nihongo grammar lesson 38 we learn how to noun verbs through the adverb [の]. Specific instructions and details on how to use verbs that have been magnetized.

1. The regular verb の
When we add the adjective [の] after a regular verb, We can noun become verb

2. The infinitive verb のは + the adjective です
Meaning: What to do is like
How to use :
Used to express feelings and assess the subject of the sentence
It helps to emphasize the problem to say
For example:
I like to plant flowers

Tokyo people walk quickly

3. The verb in the form of the verb の を わすれました
Meaning: Forgot to do
For example:
I forgot to buy milk

I forgot to close the car door

4. The verb in the form of the verb の を しっています
Meaning: Know
Usage: Ask whether the listener knows the content before the [の] part
He / she knows month after Mr. Suzuki will be married?

No, I do not know
* Note: The difference between [しりません] and [しりませんでした]: the listener doesn’t know anything, but after being asked,
we should use [しりませんでした], If after asking, but still don’t know then we use [しりません]

5. Ordinary form のは noun です
Usage: [の] is used to replace nouns denoting things, people, places, etc. to bring up the topic of the sentence.
For example:
The place my daughter was born was in a small village in Hokkaido

During the year, the busiest month is December

6. ~ときも/~ときの/~ときに/~ときや、。。
[とき] is also a noun so it can go with many kinds of auxiliary words
For example:
つれた ときや さびしいときや、いなかをおもいだす
When I was tired and sad, I remembered my hometown

うまれたときから、おおさかに すんでいます
Since birth, I’ve been in Osaka.

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