Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 27
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
谷 | たに | valley |
豆 | まめ | beans, peas |
豊か | ゆたか | abundant, wealthy, plentiful, rich |
豊富 | ほうふ | abundance, wealth, plenty, bounty |
象 | ぞう | elephant |
豪華 | ごうか | wonderful, gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance |
負け | まけ | defeat, loss, losing (a game) |
財産 | ざいさん | property, fortune, assets |
貢献 | こうけん | contribution, services |
貧しい | まずしい | poor, needy |
販売 | はんばい | sale, selling, marketing |
責める | せめる | to condemn, to blame, to criticize |
責任 | せきにん | duty, responsibility |
貯金 | ちょきん | (bank) savings |
貰う | もらう | to receive |
貴重 | きちょう | precious, valuable |
費用 | ひよう | cost, expense |
資本 | しほん | funds, capital |
資源 | しげん | resources |
賛成 | さんせい | approval, agreement, support, favour |
賞 | しょう | prize, award |
賢い | かしこい | wise, clever, smart |
質 | しつ | quality, nature (of person) |
贅沢 | ぜいたく | luxury, extravagance |
贈る | おくる | to send, to give to, to award to, to confer on |
起こる | おこる | to occur, to happen |
越える | こえる | to exceed, to cross over, to cross |
越す | こす | to go over (e.g. with audience) |
跡 | あと | (1) trace, tracks, mark, sign, (2) remains, ruins, (3) scar |
身 | み | body, main part, oneself, sword |
身体 | しんたい | the body |
身長 | しんちょう | height (of body), stature |
軍 | ぐん | army, force, troops |
軍隊 | ぐんたい | army, troops |
軒 | けん | a couter for house |
軒 | のき | eaves |
転ぶ | ころぶ | to fall down, to fall over |
輝く | かがやく | to shine, to glitter, to sparkle |
輪 | わ | ring, hoop, circle |
輸入 | ゆにゅう・する | importation, import, introduction, to import |
輸出 | ゆしゅつ・する | export, to export |
轢く | ひく | to run somebody over (with vehicle), to knock someone down |
辛い | つらい | painful, heart-breaking |
辞める | やめる | to retire |
農家 | のうか | farmer, farm family |
農業 | のうぎょう | agriculture |
農民 | のうみん | farmers, peasants |
辺り | あたり | vicinity, nearby |
迎え | むかえ | meeting, person sent to pick up an arrival |
近代 | きんだい | modern ages |
近頃 | ちかごろ | lately, recently, nowadays |
述べる | のべる | to state, to express, to mention |
迷子 | まいご | lost (stray) child |
迷惑 | めいわく | trouble, bother, annoyance |
追い付く | おいつく | to overtake, to catch up (with) |
追う | おう | to chase, to run after |
退屈 | たいくつ | tedium, boredom |
逆 | ぎゃく | reverse, opposite |
逆らう | さからう | to go against, to oppose, to disobey, to defy |
途端 | とたん | just (now, at the moment, etc.) |
通じる | つうじる | to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand |
通す | とおす | to let pass, to overlook, to continue |
通り | とおり | in accordance with ~, following ~, ~ Street, ~ Avenue |
通り過ぎる | とおりすぎる | to pass, to pass through |
通信 | つうしん | correspondence, communication, news, signal |
通学 | つうがく | commuting to school |
通行 | つうこう | passage, passing |
通過 | つうか | passage through, passing |
速度 | そくど | speed, velocity, rate |
連れ | つれ | companion, company |
連想 | れんそう | association (of ideas), suggestion |
連続 | れんぞく | serial, consecutive, continuity, continuing |
逮捕 | たいほ | arrest, apprehension, capture |
週 | しゅう | week |
週間 | しゅうかん | week, weekly |
進める | すすめる | to advance, to promote, to hasten |
進学 | しんがく | going on to a higher level school, |
進歩 | しんぽ | progress, development |
遂に | ついに | finally, at last |
遅刻 | ちこく | lateness, late coming |
運 | うん | fortune, luck |
運動 | うんどう・する | motion, exercise, to exercise |
運転 | うんてん・する | operation, motion, driving, to drive |
過ごす | すごす | to pass, to spend, to go through, to tide over |
過去 | かこ | the past, bygone days, the previous |
道徳 | どうとく | morals |
道路 | どうろ | road, highway |
達する | たっする | to reach, to get to |
違い | ちがい | difference, discrepancy |
違いない | ちがいない | (phrase) sure, no mistaking it, for certain |
違反 | いはん | violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach |
遠慮 | えんりょ | diffidence, restraint, reserve |
適する | てきする | to fit, to suit |
適切 | てきせつ | pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance |
適度 | てきど | moderate |
適用 | てきよう | applying |
選手 | せんしゅ | (1) player (in game), (2) team |
選択 | せんたく | selection, choice |
避ける | さける | (1) to avoid (physical contact ), (2) to ward off, to avert |
邪魔 | じゃま | hindrance, intrusion |
部分 | ぶぶん | portion, section, part |
郵便 | ゆうびん | mail, postal service |
都 | みやこ | capital |
都会 | とかい | city |
都市 | とし | town, city, municipal, urban |
配達 | はいたつ | delivery, distribution |
酒 | さけ | alcohol, sake |
酔う | よう | to get drunk, to become intoxicated |
酸素 | さんそ | oxygen |
重大 | じゅうだい | serious, important, grave, weighty |
重要 | じゅうよう | important, momentous, essential, principal, major |
重視 | じゅうし | importance, stress, serious consideration |
野 | の | field |
量 | りょう | quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food) |
金 | かね | (1) gold, (2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) |
金 | きん | (1) gold, (2) gold general (shogi) (abbr) |
金属 | きんぞく | metal |
金庫 | きんこ | safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds |
金曜 | きんよう | (abbr) Friday |
金融 | きんゆう | finance, monetary circulation, |
金銭 | きんせん | money, cash |
金額 | きんがく | amount of money |
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