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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 40 Grammar

Minna no Nihongo grammar lesson 40 we learn about more advanced question patterns. Besides, people are also familiar with the “try” form and how to turn adjectives into nouns.

1. The word to ask + regular form + か, ~
This sentence pattern is used to put the question in question and use the question word in the
regular form here: verbs, adjectives and nouns (replace [な] with [だ])
For example:
I don’t know when the meeting will end

Find out if there’s anything in the box?

2. Regular form + か どうか,~
If you want to insert a question without having a question in the sentence, we use this sentence form.
The regular form here includes verbs, adjectives and nouns (replace [な] with [だ] )
For example:
そのはなしはほんとうか どうか、わかりません
I don’t know if that’s true or not

まちがいがないか どうか、しらべてください
he/she Please check if it is correct or not

3. The verb form て + みます
Meaning: Try
I will try to think again

I want to watch the earth from cosmic

このずぼんを はいて みても いいですか?
Can I try on these pants?

4. Adjective ending い (remove [い]), add [さ]
We change [い] in the adjective ending [い] and add [さ] to turn it into a noun
たかい —-> たかさ
ながい —-> ながさ
はたい —-> はやさ

5. ハンスはがっこうでどうでしょうか
[~でどうでしょうか] which is used to ask listeners something they may not know the answer to. But it can also be used in cases where the listener knows the answer well. In this case, the question is soft, gentle, so more polite.

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