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Topic Japanese vocabulary: ATM withdrawal

Topic Japanese vocabulary: ATM withdrawal
ATMs in Japan to Withdraw Cash
Using the ATM in Japan
Japanese vocabulary about cash withdrawal and money transfer at ATMs

1, お引出し(おひきだし): Withdrawal

2, お預入れ(おあずけいれ): put money in your account

3, 残高照会 (ざんだかしょうかい): checking account balance

4, お振込み(おふりこみ)/ ご送金(ごそうきん): transfer

5, 通帳記入(つうちょうきにゅう)/ 記帳(きちょう): Update account book (put the account book into the computer, the machine will print out transactions that have taken place ever before)

6, 口座 (こうざ): account

7, キャッシュカード: Cash card (ATM card)

8, 現金 (げんきん): cash

9, 他行口座 (たぎょうこうざ): account belonging to another bank

10, ご送金先 (ごそうきんさき): the recipient transfers from himself

11, ご送金先金融機関 (ごそうきんさききんゆうきかん): The name of the bank receiving the transfer from me

12, 支店名 (してんめい): Branch name

13, 預金種目(よきんしゅもく): type of deposit

14, 普通預金 (ふつうよきん): Regular deposit

15, 口座番号(こうざばんごう): account number

16, 暗証番号(あんしょうばんごう): pin number

17, 金額 (きんがく): Amount, amount of money

18, 手数料 (てすうりょう): service charge

19, 確認(かくにん): confirm

20, 両替 (りょうがえ): currency exchange (foreign currency)

21, お札 (さつ)/ 紙幣 (しへい): Paper money

22, 宛 (あて): To (address) (For example: ゆうちょ宛の送金: send to yucho account)

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