Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 26
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
苦しい | くるしい | painful, difficult |
苦しむ | くるしむ | to suffer, to groan, to be worried |
苦労 | くろう | troubles, hardships |
苦手 | にがて | poor (at), weak (in), dislike (of) |
苦痛 | くつう | pain, agony |
茶 | ちゃ | tea |
莫大 | ばくだい | enormous, vast |
菓子 | かし | pastry |
著者 | ちょしゃ | author, writer |
虎 | とら | tiger |
虫歯 | むしば | cavity, tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries |
行き | いき/ゆき | going, |
行儀 | ぎょうぎ | manners |
行動 | こうどう | action, conduct, behaviour, mobilization |
街 | まち | (1) town, city |
衛星 | えいせい | satellite |
衝突 | しょうとつ | collision, conflict |
衣服 | いふく | clothes |
表 | ひょう | table (e.g. Tab 1), chart, list |
表す | あらわす | to express, to show, to reveal |
表情 | ひょうじょう | facial expression |
表現 | ひょうげん | expression, presentation, representation (math) |
表面 | ひょうめん | surface, outside, face, appearance |
袋 | ふくろ | bag, sack |
袖 | そで | sleeve |
被る | かぶる | to put on , wear, cover (one’s) head, |
被害 | ひがい | damage |
裁判 | さいばん | trial, judgement |
装置 | そうち | equipment, installation, apparatus |
裏切る | うらぎる | to betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross |
裸 | はだか | naked, nude |
製品 | せいひん | manufactured goods, finished goods |
製造 | せいぞう | manufacture, production |
褒める | ほめる | to praise, to admire, to speak well |
要するに | ようするに | in a word, after all, the point is .., in short .. |
要求 | ようきゅう | request, demand, requisition |
要点 | ようてん | gist, main point |
要素 | ようそ | element |
覆う | おおう | to cover, to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise |
見事 | みごと | splendid, magnificent, beautiful, admirable |
見当 | けんとう | be found, aim, estimate, guess, approx |
見舞い | みまい | enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern |
見解 | けんかい | opinion, point of view |
見送り | みおくり | seeing one off, farewell, escort |
覚ます | さます | to awaken |
覚める | さめる | to wake, to wake up |
覚悟 | かくご | resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness |
親しい | したしい | intimate, close (e.g. friend) |
親友 | しんゆう | close friend, buddy |
親戚 | しんせき | relative |
観光 | かんこう | sightseeing |
観客 | かんきゃく | audience, spectator(s) |
観察 | かんさつ | observation, survey |
角 | つの | horn |
解く | とく | to unfasten, to solve |
解ける | とける | to come untied, to come apart |
解決 | かいけつ | settlement, solution, resolution |
解釈 | かいしゃく | explanation, interpretation |
触れる | ふれる | to touch |
言う | ゆう | to say |
言わば | いわば | so to speak |
言語 | げんご | language |
計 | かたち | shape, form |
計る | はかる | to measure, to weigh, to survey |
計画 | けいかく・する | plan, project, schedule, scheme, program, to plan |
計算 | けいさん | calculation, reckoning |
訓 | くん | native Japanese reading of a Chinese character |
訓練 | くんれん | practice, training |
記事 | きじ | article, news story, report, account |
記入 | きにゅう | entry, filling in of forms |
記念 | きねん | commemoration, memory |
記憶 | きおく | memory, recollection, remembrance |
記者 | きしゃ | reporter |
記録 | きろく | record, minutes, document |
訪問 | ほうもん | call, visit |
設備 | せつび | equipment, device, facilities, installation |
設計 | せっけい | plan, design |
許す | ゆるす | to permit, to allow, to approve, to forgive |
訳 | やく | translation, a version |
訴える | うったえる | to sue (a person), to resort to, to appeal to |
診察 | しんさつ | medical examination |
証明 | しょうめい | proof, verification |
評価 | ひょうか | valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation |
評判 | ひょうばん | fame, reputation, popularity, arrant |
試し | ためし | trial, test |
試す | ためす | to attempt, to test |
詩 | し | poem, verse of poetry |
詩人 | しじん | poet |
詰める | つめる | to pack, to shorten, to work out (details) |
話し合う | はなしあう | to discuss, to talk together |
話題 | わだい | topic, subject |
詳しい | くわしい | knowing very well, detailed, full, accurate |
誇り | ほこり | pride |
認める | みとめる | to recognize, to appreciate, to approve, to admit, to notice |
誕生 | たんじょう | birth |
誘う | さそう | (1) to invite, to ask, (2) to tempt, to lure, to induce |
語 | ご | suffix for language, word |
語る | かたる | to talk, to tell, to recite |
語学 | ごがく | language study |
誤り | あやまり | error |
誤解 | ごかい | misunderstanding |
説 | せつ | theory |
読み | よみ | reading |
読書 | どくしょ | reading |
誰か | だれか | someone, somebody |
課 | か | counter for chapters (of a book) section |
調子 | ちょうし | condition, form, shape, tune, tone, key |
調査 | ちょうさ | investigation, examination, inquiry, survey |
請求 | せいきゅう | claim, demand, application, request |
論じる | ろんじる | to argue, to discuss, to debate |
論争 | ろんそう | controversy, dispute |
論文 | ろんぶん | thesis, essay, treatise, paper |
諦める | あきらめる | to give up, to abandon |
諺 | ことわざ | proverb, maxim |
謎 | なぞ | riddle, puzzle, enigma |
講演 | こうえん | lecture, address |
警告 | けいこく | warning, advice |
議会 | ぎかい | Diet, congress, parliament |
議員 | ぎいん | member of the Diet, congress or parliament |
議論 | ぎろん | argument, discussion, dispute |
議長 | ぎちょう | chairman |
譲る | ゆずる | to turn over, to assign, to hand over |
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