How to use こ, そ, あ, and ど in Japanese
こ、そ、あ、ど hope this will help you to understand their uses in Japanese.
これ kore = this (one)
それ sore = that (one) “close to the listener”
あれ are = that (one) “far from both of us”
どれ dore = which (one)
この kono + [noun] = this [noun]
その sono + [noun] = that [noun] “close to the listener”
あの ano + [noun] = that [noun] “far from both of us”
どの dono + [noun] = which[noun]
ex. これは1,000えんです。Kore wa 1,000en desu. = This is 1,000 yen.
ex. このTシャツは1,000えんです。Kono T-shatsu wa 1,000en desu. = This T-shirt is 1,000 yen.
これは とても いいほんです。
Kore wa totemo ii hon desu.
Lit. This is very good book.
このほんは とても いいです。
Kono hon wa totemo ii desu.
Lit. This book is very good.
このサイトは おもしろいです。
Kono saito wa omoshiroi desu.
Lit. This is interesting (web)site.
これは おもしろいサイトです。
Kore wa omoshiroi saito desu.
Lit. This (web)site is interesting.
どれが いいですか。
Dore ga ii desu ka.
Lit.Which one is good (for you)? → Which one would you like?
どのケーキが いいですか。
Dono keeki ga ii desu ka.
Lit. Which cake is good (for you)?
どれが おすすめですか。Dore ga osusume desu ka.
Lit.Which one is (your) recommendation? → Which one do you recommend?
どのケーキが おすすめですか。
Dono keeki ga osusume desu ka.
Lit. Which cake is recommendation?
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