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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 36 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 36 Grammar

1. Verb form / verb form ない + ように ~
Meaning: to
When describing an action with a purpose, we use [ように] The first end indicates the purpose, while the second side indicates the intentional action to achieve the goal on the first side.
しんぶんが よめるように、かんじを べんきょう します
To read the newspaper, I studied Chinese characters

みんなが わかるように、大きな こえで 言います
For everyone to hear clearly, I said it out loud.

かぜを ひかないように、セーターを きます
In order not to catch the flu, I wore a sweater

* The verb in the verb form before [ように] in this sentence form is a verb that does not imply an intention but is a verb capable, and verbs like [できる]、[わかる]、[みえる]、[きこえる]、[なる]

2. The verb in the form of ように なりました
Usage: signifies a state change, the word impossible to be possible
日本語が 話せるように なりました
I can speak Japanese.

はじめは 日本料理が あまり 食べられませんでしたが、今は 何でも 食べら れるように なりました
At first I could not I can eat a lot of Japanese food but I can eat anything now.

The verb in the verb form before [ように] in this sentence form is the verb form and the verbs like [できる]、[わかる]、[みえる]、[きこえる]、[なる],…
in interrogative sentence verb form [ように なりましたか] if answered by [いいえ] would be as follows:

かんじが かけるように なりましたか
Have you written Chinese characters yet?

いいえ、まだ かけません
No, I still haven’t written yet

3. Verb form / verb form ない + ように して います/ください

Verb form / verb form ない + ように しています
Meaning: try
For example:
Every day I try to be active

I try not to eat sweets

Verb form / verb form ない + ように してください
Meaning: please try ~
For example:
じかんを まもるように して ください
Please try to keep time

この スイッチに ぜったいに さわらないように して ください
Please try not to touch this switch at all

4. とか
List examples
Similar to [や] but [と か] is verbal. Put at the end of the sentence
For example:
Which sports do you play

Ah, .. I play tennis, swim …

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