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N4 Kanji

JLPT N4 Kanji: 犬 (inu)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 犬 (inu) Meaning: Dog How to Read: Onyomi: ケン (ken) Kunyomi: いぬ (inu) How to write 犬: Common Words Using 犬: 愛犬 (あいけん) : pet dog; beloved dog 野犬 (やけん) : stray dog; ownerless dog 猟犬 (りょうけん) : hound; hunting dog; gun dog 番犬 (ばんけん) : watchdog …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 漢 (kan)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 漢 (kan) Meaning: Chinese How to Read: Onyomi: カン (kan) How to write 漢: Common Words Using 漢: 漢字 (かんじ) : Chinese characters, kanji 漢方薬 (かんぽうやく) : Chinese herbal medicine 漢文 (かんぶん) : Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics 痴漢 (ちかん) : masher; molester; pervert 漢語 (かんご) : …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 去 (kyo)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 去 (kyo) Meaning: Past How to Read: Onyomi: キョ (kyo)、 コ (ko) Kunyomi: さ(る) sa(ru) How to write 去: Common Words Using 去: 去年 (きょねん) : last year 消去 (しょうきょ) : elimination, erasure, clearing 強制退去 (きょうせいたいきょ) : forced eviction, deport 撤去 (てっきょ) : withdrawal; revocation; repeal 過去 …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 死 (shi)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 死 (shi) Meaning: Death; die How to Read: Onyomi: シ (shi) Kunyomi: し(ぬ) shi(nu) How to write 死: Common Words Using 死: 死 (し) : death, decease 必死 (ひっし) : frantic, desperate, certain death, sure death 必死に (ひっしに) : frantically, desperately 死後 (しご) : after death 死亡 (しぼう) …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 堂 (dou)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 堂 (dou) Meaning: Hall; public chamber; shrine How to Read: Onyomi: ドウ (dou) Kunyomi: How to write 堂: Common Words Using 堂: 食堂 (しょくどう) : dining room; dining hall; cafeteria 講堂 (こうどう) : auditorium; lecture hall 堂々 (どうどう) : magnificent, grand, impressive, dignified, majestic 公会堂 (こうかいどう) : …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 界 (kai)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 界 (kai) Meaning: World; community; boundary How to Read: Onyomi: カイ (kai) How to write 界: Common Words Using 界: 世界 (せかい) : the world, society, the universe 世界一 (せかいいち) : best in the world 世界的 (せかいてき) : global, international 限界 (げんかい) : limit, bound 国界 (こっかい) …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 世 (yo)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 世 (yo) Meaning: World; society; public How to Read: Onyomi: セイ (sei)、 セ (se) Kunyomi: よ (yo) How to write 世: Common Words Using 世: 世紀 (せいき) : century, era 二世 (にせい) : second generation 三世 (さんせい) : third generation 近世 (きんせい) : recent past, recent times, early …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 以 (i)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 以 (i) Meaning: by means of; because How to Read: Onyomi: イ (i) Kunyomi: もっ(て) mo(tte) How to write 以: Common Words Using 以: 以上 (いじょう) : more than, or more, that’s all 以降 (いこう) : on and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter, since 以下 (いか) : …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 族 (zoku)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 族 (zoku) Meaning: Tribe; family; clan How to Read: Onyomi: ゾク (zoku) How to write 族: Common Words Using 族: 族 (ぞく) : tribe, clan 家族 (かぞく) : family, members of a family 民族 (みんぞく) : people, race, nation 一族 (いちぞく) : family, relatives 親族 (しんぞく) : …

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JLPT N4 Kanji: 風 (fuu)

JLPT N4 Kanji: 風 (fuu) Meaning: Wind; air How to Read: Onyomi: フウ (fuu)、 フ (fu) Kunyomi: かぜ (kaze)、 かざ- (kaza-) How to write 風: Common Words Using 風: 風景 (ふうけい) : scenery 台風 (たいふう) : typhoon, hurricane 風潮 (ふうちょう) : tide, current, tendency 風土 (ふうど) : natural features, climate …

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