JLPT N4 Kanji: 世 (yo)
Meaning: World; society; public
How to Read:
Onyomi: セイ (sei)、 セ (se)
Kunyomi: よ (yo)
How to write 世:
Common Words Using 世:
世紀 (せいき) : century, era
二世 (にせい) : second generation
三世 (さんせい) : third generation
近世 (きんせい) : recent past, recent times, early modern period
創世 (そうせい) : creation of the world
中世 (ちゅうせい) : Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods); medieval times
世話 (せわ) : looking after; help; aid; assistance
世界 (せかい) : the world, society, the universe
世代 (せだい) : generation; the world; the age
世間 (せけん) : world; society; people; the public
出世 (しゅっせ) : success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion
世 (よ) : world, society, age, generation
世の中 (よのなか) : society, the world
世論 (よろん) : public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus