Learn N3 Kanji Unit 37: 割, 倍, 値, 商, 支
181. 割
Meaning : proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split,
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : わ-る, わ-れる
Common words using this Kanji:
割る(わる):to break; to crack; to smash
割れる(われる):to be broken; to be smashed
割合(わりあい):rate; ratio; percentage; proportion
割引(わりびき):discount; reduction; rebate; (after a number) tenths discounted; tenths reduced
182. 倍
Meaning : double, twice, times, fold
Onyomi : ばい
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
一倍 (いちばい): multiplying by one; original amount
二倍 (にばい): double; twice (as much); twofold
三倍 (さんばい): three times (as much); treble; triple; threefold
倍額 (ばいがく): double amount
倍増 (ばいぞう): doubling; double
数倍 (すうばい): several times (as large, over)
倍力 (ばいりょく): servo; booster
倍=2倍(ばい):twice; double
~倍(ばい):~ times
183. 値
Meaning : price, cost, value
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : ね
Common words using this Kanji:
価値 (かち): value, worth, merit
数値 (すうち): numerical value; numerics
値域 (ちいき): range (of a function or relation)
価値観 (かちかん): sense of values
値段(ねだん):price; cost
値上げ(ねあげ):price hike; mark-up
値下げ(ねさげ):cut in price
値段 (ねだん): price, cost
高値 (たかね): high price
安値 (やすね): low price
値札 (ねふだ): price tag
184. 商
Meaning : deal; selling; merchant
Onyomi : しょう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
商品 (しょうひん): commodity, goods
商店 (しょうてん): shop, small store
商売 (しょうばい): trade, business, commerce
商会 (しょうかい): firm, company
商人 (しょうにん): trader, merchant
通商 (つうしょう): commerce, trade
商法 (しょうほう): commercial law
商業 (しょうぎょう): commerce, trade, business
185. 支
Meaning : branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65)
Onyomi : し
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
支援 (しえん): support, aid
支店 (してん): branch store
支配 (しはい): domination, rule
支持 (しじ): support, holding up
支給 (しきゅう): provision, supply
支障 (ししょう): obstacle, hindrance
支度 (したく): preparation
支社(ししゃ):branch office