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Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 16

Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 16
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.

Kanji Hiragana Meaning
人工 じんこう artificial, manmade, human work, human skill, artificiality
人気 にんき popularity
人物 じんぶつ character, personality, person, man, personage, talented man
人生 じんせい  (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
人種 じんしゅ race (of people)
人込み ひとごみ crowd of people
人間 にんげん human being, man, person
人類 じんるい mankind, humanity
今に いまに before long, even now
今にも いまにも at any time, soon
今回 こんかい now, this time, lately
今後 こんご  from now on, hereafter
今日 こんにち today, this day
ほとけ  Buddha, merciful person, Buddhist image, the dead
other (esp. places and things)
他(外) ほか some, other place, the rest
他人 たにん another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger
付き合い つきあい association, socializing, fellowship
付ける つける to attach, to join, to add, to append
代理 だいり representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent
代表 だいひょう representative, representation, delegation, type, example, model
代金 だいきん price, payment, cost, charge
以前 いぜん ago since, before, previous
以来 いらい since, henceforth
なか relation, relationship
仲間 なかま company, fellow, colleague, associate
任せる まかせる to entrust to another, to leave to
企業 きぎょう enterprise, undertaking
休憩 きゅうけい rest, break, recess, intermission
休暇 きゅうか holiday, day off, furlough
かい meeting, assembly, party, association, club
会合 かいごう meeting, assembly
会員 かいいん member, the membership
会計 かいけい account, finance, accountant
伝統 でんとう tradition, convention
伸ばす のばす to lengthen, to stretch, to reach out, to grow (beard)
伸びる のびる to stretch, to extend, to make progress, to grow (beard, body height)
伺う うかがう (hon) to visit, to ask, to inquire
似合う にあう to suit, to match, to become, to be like
くらい grade, rank, about
位置 いち place, situation, position, location
住宅 じゅうたく resident, housing
住民 じゅうみん citizens, inhabitants, residents, population
体温 たいおん temperature (body)
体育 たいいく physical education, gymnastics, athletics
なに what
何か なにか something
何で なんで Why?, What for?
何でも なんでも by all means, everything
何とか なんとか somehow, anyhow, one way or another
余り あまり not very (used as adverb), not much
余分 よぶん extra, excess, surplus
余裕 よゆう surplus, composure, margin, room, time, allowance, scope, rope
作品 さくひん work, opus, performance, production
作家 さっか author, writer, novelist, artist
作曲 さっきょく composition, setting (of music)
作業 さぎょう work, operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty
作法 さほう manners, etiquette, propriety
作物 さくもつ produce (e.g. agricultural), crops
使用 しよう use, application, employment, utilization
れい instance, example, case
供給 きょうきゅう supply, provision
依頼 いらい (1) request, commission, dispatch, (2) dependence, trust
価値 かち value, worth, merit
価格 かかく price, value, cost
便 びん way, means
便り たより news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter
かかり official, duty, person in charge
保存 ほぞん preservation, conservation, storage, maintenance
保証 ほしょう guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty
信じる しんじる to believe, to place trust in
信仰 しんこう (religious) faith, belief, creed
信号 しんごう traffic lights, signal, semaphore
信用 しんよう confidence, dependence, credit, faith
信頼 しんらい reliance, trust, confidence
修正 しゅうせい amendment, correction, revision, modification
修理 しゅうり repairing, mending
俳優 はいゆう actor, actress, player, performer
個人 こじん individual, private person, personal, private
倒す たおす to throw down, to beat, to bring down, to blow down
候補 こうほ candidacy
借金 しゃっきん debt, loan, liabilities
 value, price, cost, worth, merit
値段 ねだん price, cost
偉大 いだい greatness
停留所 ていりゅうじょ bus or tram stop
健康 けんこう health, sound, wholesome
そば  side, edge, third person
偶々 たまたま  casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance
偶然 ぐうぜん  (by) chance, unexpectedly, suddenly
備える そなえる to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install
きず wound, injury, hurt, cut
傾向 けいこう tendency, trend, inclination
僅か わずか  only, merely, a little, small quantity
働き はたらき  work, labor
優れる すぐれる to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
優勝 ゆうしょう overall victory, championship
優秀 ゆうしゅう superiority, excellence
もと  (1) origin, original, (2) former
先ず まず first (of all), to start with, about, almost, hardly (with neg. verb)
先日 せんじつ the other day, a few days ago
光景 こうけい scene, spectacle
克服 こくふく  subjugation, conquest
免許 めんきょ license, permit, licence, certificate
うさぎ rabbit, hare
とう party (political)
入場 にゅうじょう entrance, admission, entering
入学 にゅうがく entry to school or university, matriculation

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