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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 33 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 33 Grammar

1. The imperative and the ban
How to create the command form

Group 1:
Convert the final sound of the form [ます] to the same sound of the sequence [え] Example:
かきます ー ー ー ー > かけ
およぎます ー ー ー > およげ
のみます ー ー ー ー > のめ

Group 2 :
Add [ろ] to the following [ます] Example:
さげます ー ー > さげろ
でます ー ー > でろ

Group 3:
き ま す ー ー ー > こ い
し ま す ー ー ー > し よ う

* Verbs that do not indicate intention such as [わかる], [できる] ,[ある] , .., no have The imperative form

How to create the ban
Switch back to the dictionary form and add [な] to all 3 verb groups
かく ーーー> かくな
およぐ ーーー> およぐな
のむ ーーー> のむな
さげる ーーー> さげるな
でる ーーー> でるな
おりる ーーー> おりるな
する ーーー> するな
くる ーーー> くるな

2. The use of imperative and the ban
The imperative and prohibitive form is only used to order or ban someone from doing something. It has a hard and sour tint, so it should only be used when the person with the higher status and the person with the lower status is used in the following specific cases:

Used in cases where the higher-off person speaks to the higher-ranking person or the father tells the child:
For example:
Tomorrow, the report must be summarized

Take your lesson

Do not watch TV

Used between boyfriends:
For example:
Come to my house tonight

Do not drink beer anymore

Used when cheering (female can use):

Run away

For emergencies, the speech should be brief and effective as quickly as in offices or factories:
For example:
Turn off the power

Do not drop objects

Used to give traffic directions:
For example:
と ま れ

は い る な
not to enter

3. [~とよみますか] and [~とかきますか]
Meaning: ~ What is reading / writing like
For example:
What is that kanji read?

Over there is written “Tomare”

4. Noun 1 は Noun 2 といういみ です
Meaning: The noun 1 means the noun 2
For example:
What does this symbol mean?

Means is washing by machine

5. [Sentence] / ordinary form + と + いっていました
Usage: When we want to quote the words of the 3rd person, we use [いい ました] and when we want to convey the message of the 3rd person we use [いっていました] For example:
たなかさんは あしたやすむ といっていました
Mr. Tanaka said that will rest tomorrow

6. [Sentence] / regular form + と + つたえて いただけませんか
Usage: when you want to ask someone to politely convey the message
For example:
すみませんが、わたなべさんに あしたのパーティー6じからだと つたえていただけませんか?
Excuse me, would you please send a message to Watanabe that tomorrow’s party starts at 6 o’clock?

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