JLPT N4 Kanji: 帰 (ki)
Meaning: Return
How to Read:
Onyomi: キ (ki)
Kunyomi: かえ(る) kae(ru)、 かえ(す) kae(su)
How to write 帰:
Common Words Using 帰:
帰宅 (きたく) : returning home
帰国 (きこく) : return to one’s country
帰属 (きぞく) : belonging; ascription; attribution; imputation; possession; jurisdiction
帰化 (きか) : naturalization
復帰 (ふっき) : return; comeback; reinstatement
帰途 (きと) : on the way back; returning
帰る (かえる) : to return, to come home, to go home, to go back, to leave, to get home
帰す (かえす) : to send (someone) back, to send (someone) home
帰り (かえり) : return; coming back
持ち帰り (もちかえり) : takeout (i.e. food); take-out; takeaway; take-away
帰り道 (かえりみち) : the way back; the way home; return trip