JLPT N2 Adverbs List
まるで : quite, entirely, as if, as though
わざと : on purpose
一切 (いっさい) : all, everything, the whole
ようやく : finally, at last
いつの間にか (いつのまにか) : before one knows it
一応 (いちおう) : roughly, somewhat, once, tentatively, just in case
ひょっとする : perhaps, maybe, possibly
既に (すでに) : already, too late
何とか (なんとか) : something or other, so-and-so
必死に (ひっしに) : frantically, desperately
早速 (さっそく) : at once, immediately
そのまま : without change, as it is
めったに : rarely, seldom (used with verbs in negative form)
万一 (まんいち) : by some chance
改めて (あらためて) : another time, again, over again
中でも (なかでも) : among (other things)
近々 (ちかぢか) : soon, before long
はるかに : far off, in the distance, long ago
案外 (あんがい) : unexpectedly
自ら (みずから) : for one’s self, personally
よほど : very, greatly
当分 (とうぶん) : for the present, currently
ちっとも : not at all (used with verbs in negative form)
めっきり : remarkably
まさに : exactly, surely, certainly
思い切って (おもいきって) resolutely, boldly, daringly
しきりに : frequently, repeatedly, often
かえって : on the contrary, rather, instead
あらかじめ : beforehand, in advance, previously
ぐっと : suddenly, at once, in one go
たちまち : at once, in a moment, suddenly
今に : before long, even now
わずか : only, merely
実に (じつに) : indeed, really, absolutely
ぼんやり : dimly, faintly, vaguely
一段と (いちだんと) : more, much more
決まって (きまって) : always, without fail, usually
ひとまず : for the present, once, in outline
次第に (しだいに) : gradually
せっせと : diligently, industriously
必ずしも (かならずしも) : (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) entirely
じっくり : deliberately, carefully
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