JLPT N4 Kanji: 始 (shi)
Meaning: Begin; commence
How to Read:
Onyomi: シ (shi)
Kunyomi: はじ(める) haji(meru)
How to write 始:
Common Words Using 始:
開始 (かいし) : start, beginning, initiation
開始時刻 (かいしじこく) : starting time
年始 (ねんし) : beginning of the year
始終 (しじゅう) : continuously
始動 (しどう) : starting (machine), activation
始祖 (しそ) : founder, originator
創始 (そうし) : creation, founding
更始 (こうし) : renewal, reform
始発 (しはつ) : first departure (of the day: train, bus, etc.)
始末 (しまつ) : dealing, getting rid of
後始末 (あとしまつ) : cleaning up afterwards
始め (はじめ) : beginning, start
始めに (はじめに) : in the beginning, to begin with, to start with
始めて (はじめて) : for the first time
始める (はじめる) : to begin (something), to start (something)
始まる (はじまる) : to begin, to start