Home / JLPT N5 Test / N5 Vocabulary Exercises – Part 1 (With Answers)

N5 Vocabulary Exercises – Part 1 (With Answers)

N5 Vocabulary Exercises – Part 1 (With Answers)
These exercises will help you review JLPT N5.
JLPT N5 Synonyms.

1. 1 | 2. 3 | 3. 1 | 4. 2 | 5. 2 | 6. 1 | 7. 2 | 8. 2 | 9. 4 | 10. 4
11. 2 | 12. 4 | 13. 1 | 14. 4 |15. 3 |16. 4 | 17. 4 | 18. 4

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