Minna No Nihongo Lesson 13 Grammar
1. The noun が + ほしい + です
Meaning: Wanting something
Usage: Used to indicate the desire to have something
For example:
いま、 あなた は なに が ほしい です か
What do you want now ?
わたし は パン が ほしい です
I would like a loaf of bread
2. The verb form ます + たいです
The verb form ま す
When the verb is used with [ます], we call it the [ます] form of the verb
For example :
か い is the [ます] form of the verb [かいます]
The verb form ます + たいです
Meaning: Want to do something
Usage: To express the wishes of the speaker or ask others, in the case of using the particle [を], it can be replaced with the particle [が], when the time is divided, the adjective is divided tail [い]
For example:
I want to go to Okinawa
I want to buy a pair of shoes
My stomach hurts so I don’t want to eat anything
Note :
Sentences [ほ し い] and [た い で す], cannot be used to indicate a person’s desire
These 2 sentence patterns are also not used to invite listeners to use something or do anything
3. nouns (places) + へ + nouns / verbs [ます] + に いきます/きます /かえります
Meaning: Go / go / where to do what
How to use :
The noun form / verb [ます] precedes the particle [に] to indicate the purpose of [いきます/ きます / かえります]
The preceding noun [に] must be an action noun
For example :
わたし は にほん へ にほんご を べんきょうし に いき たい です
I want to go to Japan to learn Japanese
あした、 わたし は きょうと の おまつり に いき ます
Tomorrow I go to the festival in Tokyo
4. Verb + に + Verb / Verb を Verb
Usage: In this sentence, the adjective [に] is used with verbs like [はいります], [のります] to indicate the destination
For example :
Let’s go to the other beverage shop
5. どこか / なにか
Means :
[どこか]: Somewhere
[なにか]: Something
Usage: You can omit the expressions [へ], [を] after [どこか] and [なにか]
For example :
Does winter vacation go to play?
Yes, yes!
So thirsty, I want to drink something!
6. ごちゅうもんは
Meaning: You will only eat anything
Usage: This is a sample of questions that customers often ask customers and the word [ご] is added at the beginning to show respect.
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