Learn N3 Kanji Unit 10: 両, 替, 優, 座, 降
46. 両
Meaning : both, old Japanese coin, counter for carriages (e.g., in a train), two
Onyomi : りょう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji :
両方 (りょうほう): both; both sides; both parties
両手 (りょうて): both hands; both arms
両面 (りょうめん): both sides; two sides; double-sided
両側 (りょうがわ): both sides
一両 (いちりょう): one vehicle
~両(りょう):both (e.g. both shoulders, etc.)
車両(しゃりょう):railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
47. 替
Meaning : exchange, spare, substitute, per-
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : か-える
Common words using this Kanji :
移替 (いたい): changing (person in charge, etc.), shifting
代替 (だいたい): substitution; alternative; substitute
振替 (ふりかえ): transfer; switching over; change
日替わり (ひがわり): changing every day
着替え (きがえ): changing clothes; change of clothes
取り替える (とりかえる):to exchange; to replace
両替 (りょうがえ): money exchange
着替える(きがえる): to change one’s clothes
替わる (かわる): to succeed, to relieve, to replace, to take the place of, to substitute for
替える (かえる): to exchange; to interchange; to replace
48. 優
Meaning : tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness
Onyomi : ゆう
Kunyomi : やさ-しい
Common words using this Kanji :
優勝 (ゆうしょう): overall victory; championship; winning the title
優秀 (ゆうしゅう): superior; excellent; brilliant; outstanding
優先 (ゆうせん): preference; priority; precedence
優勢 (ゆうせい): superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance
優美 (ゆうび): grace; refinement; elegance; daintiness
優位 (ゆうい): predominance; superiority; ascendancy; advantage; supremacy
俳優 (はいゆう): actor; actress; player; performer
女優 (じょゆう): actress; female actor
男優 (だんゆう): (male) actor
名優 (めいゆう): great actor; famous actor; star
優先席 (ゆうせんせき):priority seat
優しい(やさしい):tender; kind; gentle; graceful
優れる (すぐれる】 to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
49. 座
Meaning : squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit
Onyomi : ざ
Kunyomi : すわ-る
Common words using this Kanji :
正座(せいざ):seiza; kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles
座る(すわる): to sit; to squat
中座 (ちゅうざ): leaving one’s seat (before an event is over)
口座 (こうざ): account (e.g. bank)
講座 (こうざ): course (e.g. of lectures)
便座 (べんざ): toilet seat
50. 降
Meaning : descend, precipitate, fall, surrender
Onyomi : こう
Kunyomi : お-りる; ふ-る
Common words using this Kanji :
降りる(おりる):get off, to go down
以降(いこう):on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
降る(くだる): to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.)