JLPT N4 Kanji: 安 (yasu)
Meaning: Relax
How to Read:
Onyomi: アン (an)
Kunyomi: やす(い) yasu(i)
How to write 安:
Common Words Using 安:
不安 (ふあん) : anxiety; uneasiness; worry
安定 (あんてい) : stability; steadiness
不安定 (ふあんてい) : instability; insecurity
安全 (あんぜん) : safety; security
安心 (あんしん) : relief; peace of mind
安否 (あんぴ) : safety; welfare; well-being
安易 (あんい) : easy, simple, easygoing, lighthearted, simplistic, irresponsible, careless, quick (to do)
安い (やすい) : cheap, inexpensive, calm, peaceful, quiet
安 (やす) : cheap, rash, thoughtless, careless, indiscreet, frivolous
安っぽい (やすっぽい) : cheap-looking
安売り (やすうり) : bargain sale; selling cheaply
休まる (やすまる) : to be rested, to feel at ease, to repose, to be relieved
安上がり (やすあがり) : cheap, economical
平安 (へいあん) : peace, peaceful, tranquility, tranquil, Heian