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JLPT N2 Grammar: やむをえず (yamuwoezu)

やむをえず (yamuwoezu)

Meaning: unavoidable, no other way to do something

How to use the: やむをえず + sentence

Example sentences:
1, 我々はやむをえず会議を延期した。
Wareware wa yamuwoezu kaigi o enki shita.
Everyone reluctantly delayed the meeting

2, タイヤがパンクしたので、やむをえず電車で通勤しなければならない。
Taiya ga panku shitanode, yamuwoezu densha de tsūkin shinakereba naranai.
The wheels of the car became flat so I have to commute by train.

3, 旅行に行く予定だったが病気になったのでやむをえず中止にした。
Ryokōniiku yoteidattaga byōki ni nattanode yamuwoezu chūshi ni shita.
Planning to travel but due to illness should postpone

4, 私は昨日やむをえず外出せざるをえなかった。
Watashi wa kinō yamuwoezu gaishutsu sezaru o enakatta.
Yesterday reluctantly had to go out

やむをえず is similar to やむを得ず