JLPT N4 Kanji: 立 (ritsu)
Meaning: Stand; stand up
How to Read:
Onyomi: リツ (ritsu)
Kunyomi: た(つ) ta(tsu)
How to write 立:
Common Words Using 立:
立つ (たつ) : to stand, to rise, to stand up, to find oneself
立てる(たてる) : to stand something up, to stand up, to erect, to erect something
市立 (しりつ) : municipal, city
自立 (じりつ) : independence, self reliance
私立 (しりつ) : private (establishment)
対立 (たいりつ) : confrontation, opposition
私立大学 (しりつだいがく) : private college, private university
役に立つ (やくにたつ) : to be useful, to be of use, to be helpful, to be of service
国立 (こくりつ) : national
立案 (りつあん) : planning, devising (a plan)
成立 (せいりつ) : formation; establishment
突立 (とったつ) : stand straight up