Learn N3 Kanji Unit 47: 念, 涙, 笑, 調, 査
231. 念
Meaning : wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
Onyomi : ねん
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
残念(ざんねん:deplorable; bad luck; regret; disappointment
記念(きねん):commemoration; celebration
232. 涙
Meaning : tears, sympathy
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : なみだ
Common words using this Kanji:
涙(なみだ):tear; tears
涙を流す(なみだをながす):to shed tears
233. 笑
Meaning : laugh
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : わら-う, え-む
Common words using this Kanji:
笑う(わらう):to laugh
笑む(えむ):to smile
笑顔(えがお):smiling face
笑い(わらい):laugh; laughter
234. 調
Meaning : tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate, harmonize, mediate
Onyomi : ちょう
Kunyomi : しら-べる
Common words using this Kanji:
順調 (じゅんちょう): favorable; doing well; OK; all right
同調 (どうちょう): sympathy; agreement with; alignment; conformity; tuning
調理 (ちょうり): cooking; food preparation
調停 (ちょうてい): arbitration; conciliation; mediation
調子(ちょうし):condition; state of health
調査(ちょうさ):investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
強調(きょうちょう):emphasis; highlight; stress; stressed point
調べる(しらべる):to examine; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search
235. 査
Meaning : investigate
Onyomi : さ
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
検査 (けんさ): inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; test; check
調査 (ちょうさ): investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
巡査 (じゅんさ): police officer; policeman; constable
捜査 (そうさ): search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
審査 (しんさ): judging; inspection; examination; investigation; review
査定 (さてい): assessment (of value, damages, etc.); revision (of a budget)
査察 (ささつ): inspection (for compliance); investigation (tax, etc.)
査問 (さもん):investigation question