Learn N3 Kanji Unit 26: 製, 造, 賞, 法, 温
126. 製
Meaning : made in…, manufacture
Onyomi : せい
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
製品 (せいひん): manufactured goods; finished goods; product
製造 (せいぞう): manufacture; production
制作 (せいさく): manufacture; production
製鉄 (せいてつ): iron manufacture
手製 (てせい): handmade
~製(~せい): product ~
(日本製ーにほんせい : made in Japan
127. 造
Meaning : create, make, structure, physique
Onyomi : ぞう
Kunyomi : つく-る
Common words using this Kanji:
製造(せいぞう):manufacture; production
構造 (こうぞう): structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern
改造 (かいぞう): remodeling; remodelling; reconstruction; conversion
人造 (じんぞう): artificial; man-made; imitation; synthetic
創造 (そうぞう): creation
造る(つくる):to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct
木造(もくぞう): wooden; made of wood
128. 賞
Meaning : prize, reward, praise
Onyomi : しょう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
賞(しょう):prize; award
賞金(しょうきん):prize; monetary award
賞味期限(しょうみきげん):“best before” date (food); have good taste if used before…
賞品(しょうひん):prize; trophy
129. 法
Meaning : law; act; principle
Onyomi : ほう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
文法 (ぶんぽう): grammar, syntax
法案 (ほうあん): bill (law), measure
手法 (しゅほう): technique
違法 (いほう): illegal, invalid
法制 (ほうせい): legislation, laws
憲法 (けんぽう): constitution
方法 (ほうほう): method, way, means
法廷 (ほうてい): courtroom
法的 (ほうてき): legality
130. 温
Meaning : warm
Onyomi : おん
Kunyomi : あたたか-い
Common words using this Kanji:
温かい(あたたかい):warm; mild; genial
気温(きおん):atmospheric temperature
常温(じょうおん):normal temperature; average temperature; fixed temperature