JLPT N4 Kanji: 考 (kou)
Meaning: Think; thought
How to Read:
Onyomi: コウ (kou)
Kunyomi: かんが(える) kanga(eru)
How to write 考:
Common Words Using 考:
考慮 (こうりょ) : consideration, taking into account
選考 (せんこう) : selection, screening
考察 (こうさつ) : consideration, inquiry
思考 (しこう) : thought, thinking
思考力 (しこうりょく) : ability to think
参考 (さんこう) : reference, consultation
参考書 (さんこうしょ) : reference book
再考 (さいこう) : reconsideration
考案 (こうあん) : plan, idea, device
考査 (こうさ) : examination, test
論考 (ろんこう) : study (of something)
考古学 (こうこがく) : archeology
考え (かんがえ) : thinking, thought
考える (かんがえる) : to think about, to consider, to give thought
考え方 (かんがえかた) : way of thinking, thought process
考え出す (かんがえだす) : to think out, to devise
考えつく (かんがえつく) : to come up with