Home / Vocabulary Lists / 1000 Most Common Japanese Words List- Part 10

1000 Most Common Japanese Words List- Part 10

1000 Most Common Japanese Words List- Part 10

901. 柔らかい (yawarakai) : soft, gentle

902. 似合う (niau) : suit, match well

903. 確かめる (tashikameru) : check, confirm

904. 背中 (senaka) : (one’s) back

905. 肌 (hada) : human skin, surface

906. 順番 (junban) : order, turn

907. まとも (matomo) : sane, reasonable

908. ぴったり (pittari) : exactly right, perfect

909. 思わず (omowazu) : unintentionally, unconsciously

910. より (yori) : even more ~, even less ~

911. もったいない (mottainai) : wasteful, a shame

912. 情報 (jouhou) : information

913. 諦める (akirameru) : abandon, give up

914. 懐かしい (natsukashii) : fondly-remembered, long-forgotten

915. 怪しい (ayashii) : suspicious, dubious

916. 示す (shimesu) : show, indicate

917. たっぷり (tappuri) : fully, amply

918. 早速 (sassoku) : immediately, right away

919. 偶然 (guuzen) : by chance, coincidence

920. 続き (tsuduki) : continuation, sequel

921. 合計 (goukei) : sum, total

922. 傷 (kizu) : wound, scar

923. 面倒 (mendou) : troublesome, difficult

924. 具合 (guai) : condition, health

925. 中止 (chuushi) : suspension, cancellation

926. 手続き (tetsuduki) : procedure, proceeding

927. 結果 (kekka) : result, outcome

928. 建設 (kensetsu) : construction (of a building, road, bridge, etc.)

929. 販売 ( hanbai ) : sale, selling

930. 機能 (kinou) : function, feature

931. 頃 (koro) : time, the time when ~

932. 日中 (Nicchuu) : during the day

933. 今後 (Kongo ) : in the future, from now on

934. 影響 (eikyou) : influence, effect

935. 分野 ( bunya ) : field, area

936. 関する (kansuru) : relate to, regarding

937. 状態 (joutai) : state, condition

938. 価格 (kakaku) : price, value

939. 姿 (sugata) : figure, appearance

940. 期待 (kitai) : expectation, anticipation

941. 除く (nozoku) : remove, exclude

942. 一般 (ippan) : general, common

943. 表現 (hyougen) : expression

944. 完成 (kansei) : completion, finish making or building something

945. 変化 (henka) : change, alteration

946. 参加 (sanka) : participation

947. 土地 (tochi) : land

948. 検討 (kentou) : examination and consideration

949. 開始 (kaishi) : beginning

950. 備える (sonaete) : provide for, prepare for

951. 内容 (naiyou) : content

952. 与える (ataeru) : give (formal)

953. 広がる (hirogaru) : spread out, extend

954. 事実 ( jijitsu) : fact, truth

955. 決定 (kettei) : decision

956. 住宅 (juutaku) : housing, residence

957. 代表 (daihyou ) : representative

958. 命令 (meirei) : command, order

959. 立場 (tachiba) : standpoint, position

960. なお (Nao) : still, in addition

971. サイト (saito) : website

972. 土産 (miyage) : souvenir (plain)

973. 臭い (nioi) : (bad) smell

974. 現金 (genkin) : cash

975. 虫 (mushi) : insect, bug

976. 寄る (yoru) : stop by, stop off

977. 田舎 (inaka) : hometown, countryside

978. 帰宅 (kitaku) : return home, come home

979. 重大 (juudai) : important, serious

980. マイナス (mainasu) : minus, below zero

981. 稼ぐ (kasegu) : earn, make money

982. 左右 (sayuu) : right and left

983. 痛み (itami) : pain, ache

984. 誤解 (gokai) : misunderstanding

985. 文句 (monku) : complaint, grumble

986. 欧米 (oubei) : Europe and America

987. 面接 (mensetsu) : interview

988. サイン (sain) : signature, autograph

989. 年中 (nenjuu) : all year

990. 機嫌 (kigen) : mood, health

991. 居間 (ima) : living room

992. 度々 (tabitabi) : often

993. 例文 (reibun) : example sentence

994. 怠ける (namakeru) : be lazy, slack off

995. 転勤 (tenkin) : change of job location, relocation

996. 政府 (seifu) : government, administration

997. 所有 (shoyuu) : ownership, own

998. いずれ (izure) : sometime later, eventually

999. 対する (taisuru) : face, be in response to

1000. 教会 (kyoukai) : church