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JLPT N1 Grammar: はおろか (wa oroka)

はおろか (wa oroka)

Meaning: let alone; not to mention; needless to say

How to use the: Noun + はおろか

It is natural to describe it.
Used in cases where the status is simpler, easier or impossible. A は お ろ か B: Even B cannot say anything about A (As will be higher than B). The B side is often negative.

Example sentences:
1, 私は、海外旅行はおろか国内旅行さえ、ほとんど行ったことがない。
Watashi wa, gaigairyokō wa oroka kokunai ryokō sae, hotondo itta koto ga nai.
Travel in my country has not said anything to travel abroad.

2, 吉井さんはアレルギーがひどくて、卵はおろかパンも食べられないそうだ。
Yoshii-san wa arerugī ga hidokute, tamago wa oroka pan mo tabe rarenai sōda.
Mr. Yoshii is so allergic that he cannot eat bread, let alone egg dishes.

3, 幼稚園のころの友達の名前はおろか、顔さえ忘れてしまった。
youchien no koro no tomodachi no namae wa oro ka, kao sae wasurete shimatta.
I can’t even remember my kindergarten friends’ faces, let alone their names.

4, 発見された時、その男の人は住所はおろか名前すら記憶していなかったという。
Hakken sa reta toki, sono otoko no hito wa jūsho wa oroka namae sura kioku shite inakatta to iu.
When he was found, he could not remember his name, let alone his address.

5, わたしは漢字はおろか、ひらがなも書けない。
watashi wa kanji wa oroka, hiragana mo kakenai.
I can’t even write hiragana, let alone Kanji.

The meaning is similar to 「~ ど こ ろ か」
Usually used according to the following structure A は お ろ か B も / さ え / ま で。