をもとにして (o moto ni shite)
Meaning: Based on
Get an object, the facts as a basis, basis, data for judgments
Example sentences:
1, 史実をもとにした作品を書き上げた。
Shijitsu o moto ni shita sakuhin o kakiageta.
I wrote a work based on historical facts.
2, 人のうわさだけを元のして人を判断するのはよくない。
Hito no uwasa dake o gen no shite hito o handan suru no wa yokunai.
Based only on the gossip that judging a person is not good
3, 実際にあった話をもとにして脚本を書いた
Jissai ni atta hanashi o moto ni shite kyakuhon o kaita
I wrote a script based on a story that actually happened
This is a softer expression of 「に も と (基) づ い て」