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JLPT N1 Grammar: を経て (o hete)

を経て (o hete)

Meaning: through; after; via

How to use the: Noun + を経て

Used in the case of past experience, past experience

Example sentences:
1, さまざまな社会での経験を経て、彼女は成長した。
Samazamana shakai de no keiken o hete, kanojo wa seichōshita.
By a lot of experience in society, she has grown up

2, 確実だとは申しかねますが、そこはお含みおき下さいまし、この情報はたくさんの手を経て来ておりますので。
kakujitsu da towa moushi kanemasu ga, soko wa ofukumioki kudasaimashi, kono jouhou wa takusan no te o hete kite orimasu node.
I can’t say for certain, I hope you understand. This news passed through so many hands.

3, 多くの書類審査や面接を経て、やっと外国へ行く。
Ōku no shorui shinsa ya mensetsu o hete, yatto gaikoku e iku.
After a lot of interviews and selection of documents, I was finally able to go abroad.

4, わたしたちは5年の交際期間を経て結婚した。
watashitachi wa go’nen no kousai kikan o hete kekkon shita.
We married after dating for 5 years.