Home / Kanji / Kanji N3 / Learn N3 Kanji Unit 9: 路, 停, 整, 券, 現

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 9: 路, 停, 整, 券, 現

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 9: 路, 停, 整, 券, 現


Meaning : path, route, road, distance

Onyomi : ろ
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
道路 (どうろ): road; highway
通路 (つうろ): passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle
線路 (せんろ): railway track; railway line; railroad; railway; track; line
回路 (かいろ): circuit (electric)
進路 (しんろ): route; course; path
海路 (かいろ): sea route
経路 (けいろ): course; route; path; channel
迷路 (めいろ): maze; labyrinth
水路 (すいろ): waterway; canal; channel; watercourse; aqueduct
路地 (ろじ): alley; alleyway; lane

空路 (くうろ): air route; air lane
陸路 (りくろ): land route; overland route
路面 (ろめん): road surface


Meaning : halt, stopping

Onyomi : てい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
停止 (ていし): stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill
停滞 (ていたい): stagnation; tie-up; standstill; congestion; delay
停電 (ていでん): power outage; electricity outage; blackout
停車(ていしゃ):stopping (e.g. train)​
バス停(ばすてい):bus stop
停まる (とまる): to stop (moving); to come to a stop


Meaning : organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)

Onyomi : せい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :

整理(せいり):sorting; arrangement; adjust
整理券(せいりけん):numbered ticket (e.g. to determine order of service in shop, etc.)​


Meaning : ticket

Onyomi : けん
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
馬券 (ばけん): betting ticket; betting slip​
旅券 (りょけん): passport​
株券 (かぶけん): stock certificate
債券 (さいけん): bond; debenture
食券 (しょっけん): meal ticket
証券 (しょうけん): bond; bill; certificate; security

駐車券(ちゅうしゃけん):parking ticket
回数券(かいすうけん):coupon tickets, book of tickets​
乗車券(じょうしゃけん):passenger ticket​


Meaning : present, existing, actual

Onyomi : げん
Kunyomi : あらわ-れる

Common words using this Kanji :
現代 (げんだい): nowadays, modern era
現行 (げんこう): present, current
現在 (げんざい): now, current, present
現実 (げんじつ): reality, actuality
実現 (じつげん): implementation
出現 (しゅつげん): appearance, arrival
表現 (ひょうげん): expression
現職 (げんしょく): current job

現れる(あらわれる):to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out