Learn N3 Kanji Unit 7: 速, 過, 鉄, 指, 定
31. 速
Meaning : quick, fast
Onyomi : そく
Kunyomi : はや-い
Common words using this Kanji :
速い(はやい):fast, quick, rapid
速達(そくたつ):express; special delivery
32. 過
Meaning : overdo, exceed, go beyond, error
Onyomi : か
Kunyomi : す-ぎる
Common words using this Kanji :
過失 (かしつ): accident (caused by negligence); error; blunder
過程 (かてい): process; course; mechanism
過密 (かみつ): overcrowding; crowded; congestion
過労 (かろう): overwork; strain
過度 (かど): excessive; immoderate
過激 (かげき): extreme; radical
通過 (つうか):pass
過去 (かこ):past
過ぎる(すぎる):to pass (i.e. of time); to elapse
33. 鉄
Meaning : iron
Onyomi : てつ
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji :
電鉄 (でんてつ): electric railway
国鉄 (こくてつ): national railway
製鉄 (せいてつ): iron manufacture
地下鉄 (ちかてつ): subway; metro; underground (railway)
鉄道 (てつどう):railway
34. 指
Meaning : finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)
Onyomi : し
Kunyomi : ゆび
Common words using this Kanji :
指示 (しじ): indication; denotation; designation
指名 (しめい):naming; nominating; designating
指定 (してい): designation; specification; assignment
指摘 (してき): pointing out; identification
指定席(していせき):reserved seat
35. 定
Meaning : determine, fix, establish, decide
Onyomi : てい
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji :
予定 (よてい): plans, arrangement
確定 (かくてい): decision, settlement
決定 (けってい): determination
推定 (すいてい): presumption
断定 (だんてい): conclusion
否定 (ひてい): negation, denial
指定 (してい): appointment
定休日(ていきゅうび):regular holiday;
安定(あんてい):stability; steadiness