Learn N3 Kanji Unit 30: 職, 容, 技, 般, 務
291. 職
Meaning : post, employment, work
Onyomi : しょく
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
職場(しょくば):one’s post; place of work; workplace
転職(てんしょく):change of occupation, job change
職業(しょくぎょう):occupation; business
職員(しょくいん):staff member; personnel
292. 容
Meaning : contain, form
Onyomi : よう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
容積 (ようせき): capacity; volume
容量 (ようりょう):capacity; volume
容認 (ようにん): approval
容易 (ようい): easy; simple; plain
内容(ないよう):contents; matter; substance; detail
美容 (びよう): beauty; good figure; (beautiful) appearance; (beautiful) features
美容院(びよういん):beauty parlour; beauty parlor; beauty salon; hairdressing salon
293. 技
Meaning : skill, art, craft, ability, performance, arts
Onyomi : ぎ
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
演技 (えんぎ): acting; performance
技巧 (ぎこう): technique; finesse
技法 (ぎほう): technique
特技 (とくぎ): special skill
国技 (こくぎ): national sport (e.g. sumo)
技術(ぎじゅつ):technology; engineering
技術者(ぎじゅつしゃ):engineer; technical expert; technician
294. 般
Meaning : arrier, carry, all, general, sort, kind
Onyomi : はん
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
今般 (こんぱん): now; recently; this time
先般 (せんぱん): some time ago; the other day
各般 (かくはん): all; every; various
万般 (ばんぱん): all things
百般 (ひゃっぱん): all; every; all kinds of
一般(いっぱん):ordinary; average; common
一般に(いっぱんてきに):in general; generally
295. 務
Meaning : task, duties
Onyomi : む
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
事務(じむ):business; office work; administration
公務員(こうむいん):government worker; public servant; civil servant
税務署(ぜいむしょ):tax office