Learn N3 Kanji Unit 55: 眠, 疲, 息, 呼, 厚
271. 眠
Meaning : sleep, die, sleepy
Onyomi : みん
Kunyomi : ねむ-い, ねむ-る
Common words using this Kanji:
眠る(ねむる): to sleep (not necessarily lying down)
272. 疲
Meaning : exhausted, tire, weary
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : つか-れる
Common words using this Kanji
疲労 (ひろう): fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness
疲憊 (ひはい): exhaustion
疲れ (つかれ): tiredness; fatigue
疲れる(つかれる):to get tired; to tire
273. 息
Meaning : breath, respiration, son, interest (on money)
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : いき
Common words using this Kanji:
息(いき):breath; breathing
息切れ(いきぎれ):shortness of breath
274. 呼
Meaning : call, call out to, invite
Onyomi : こ
Kunyomi : よ-ぶ
Common words using this Kanji:
呼吸(こきゅう):breathing; respiration
呼ぶ(よぶ):to call out (to); to call; to invoke
呼び名 (よびな): popular name; common name; given name
呼び声 (よびごえ): call; hail; yell
275. 厚
Meaning : thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : あつ-い
Common words using this Kanji:
濃厚 (のうこう): rich (flavor, color, etc.); strong (e.g. odor); heavy; thick
温厚 (おんこう): gentle; mild-mannered
厚生 (こうせい): welfare; public welfare; social welfare
重厚 (じゅうこう): profound; deep; grave; solid; dignified; stately
厚い(あつい):thick; deep; heavy
厚さ (あつさ): thickness