Learn N3 Kanji Unit 42: 希, 望, 荷, 換, 額
206. 希
Meaning : hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal
Onyomi : き
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
希望(きぼう):hope; wish; aspiration
希薄 (きはく): thin (air); weak (liquid); dilute; sparse (population); rarefied
日希 (にっき): Japan and Greece; Japanese-Greek
希世 (きせい): rare; uncommon
希求 (ききゅう): longing; great desire; aspiration
希少 (きしょう): scarce; rare
207. 望
Meaning : ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect
Onyomi : ぼう
Kunyomi : のぞ-む
Common words using this Kanji:
希望 (きぼう): hope, wish, aspiration
要望 (ようぼう): demand for, request
志望 (しぼう): wish, desire, ambition
展望 (てんぼう): view, outlook, prospect
野望 (やぼう): ambition, aspiration
有望 (ゆうぼう): good prospects
待望 (たいぼう): long-awaited
望外 (ぼうがい): unexpected
失望(しつぼう):disappointment; despair
望み (のぞみ): wish, desire, hope
望む (のぞむ): to desire, to wish for
208. 荷
Meaning : baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight
Onyomi : か
Kunyomi : に
Common words using this Kanji:
荷物(にもつ):luggage; baggage; package
入荷(にゅうか):arrival of goods; goods received
出荷(しゅっか):shipping; outgoing freight; forwarding
手荷物(てにもつ):hand luggage; hand baggage
209. 換
Meaning : interchange, period, change, convert, replace, renew
Onyomi : かん
Kunyomi : か-える
Common words using this Kanji:
換える(かえる):to replace
交換(こうかん): exchange, replacement.
乗り換え(のりかえ):transfer (trains, buses, etc.)
代金引換(だいきんひきかえ):cash on delivery; COD
210. 額
Meaning : forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume
Onyomi : がく
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
差額 (さがく): balance; difference (in price, cost); margin
多額 (たがく): large (amount of money); huge; hefty; expensive
金額 (きんがく): amount of money; sum of money
全額 (ぜんがく): total; full amount; sum
半額(はんがく):half; half amount; half price; half fare
総額 (そうがく): sum total; total amount