Home / Kanji / Kanji N3 / Learn N3 Kanji Unit 41: 連, 絡, 届, 宅, 配

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 41: 連, 絡, 届, 宅, 配

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 41: 連, 絡, 届, 宅, 配


Meaning : take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique

Onyomi : れん
Kunyomi : つ-れる

Common words using this Kanji:
連休(れんきゅう):consecutive holidays​, continuous holidays
子供連れ(こどもつれ):accompanied by children​, taking children along
連れて行く(つれてゆく):to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away​
連れて来る(つれてくる):to bring someone along​


Meaning : entwine, coil around, get caught in

Onyomi : らく
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
連絡 (れんらく): contacting; (making) contact; getting in touch
短絡 (たんらく): short circuit; short​
経絡 (けいらく): meridian (e.g. in acupuncture); channel
頭絡 (とうらく): bridle; halter
交絡 (こうらく): interrelationship; statistics confounding


Meaning : deliver, reach, arrive, report, notify, forward

Onyomi :
Kunyomi : とど-ける, とど-く

Common words using this Kanji:
届 (とどけ): report; notification; registration
届く (とどく): to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound)
届ける (とどける): to deliver; to forward; to send
お届け (おとどけ): delivery (of a package, goods, etc.)​
届け出 (とどけで): report; notification


Meaning : home, house, residence, our house, my husband

Onyomi : たく
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
お宅(おたく):your house
宅配(たくはい):home delivery​
自宅(じたく):one’s home; one’s house​


Meaning : distribute, spouse, exile, rationing

Onyomi : はい
Kunyomi : くば-る

Common words using this Kanji:
配る(くばる):to distribute; to deliver; to deal (cards)​
配達(はいたつ):delivery; distribution​
配送料(はいそうりょう):delivery fee; delivery charge​
心配(しんぱい):worry; concern; anxiety​