Learn N3 Kanji Unit 31: 薄, 部, 数, 件, 再
151. 薄
Meaning : dilute, thin, weak (tea), pampas grass
Onyomi :
Kunyomi : うす-い
Common words using this Kanji:
薄い(うすい):watery; dilute; sparse
薄暗い(うすぐらい):dim; gloomy
152. 部
Meaning : section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
Onyomi : ぶ
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
部分(ぶぶん):portion; section; part
部長(ぶちょう):head (chief, director) of a section or department
部屋(へや):room; chamber
学部(がくぶ):department of a university
153. 数
Meaning : number, strength, fate, law, figures
Onyomi : すう
Kunyomi : かず, かぞ-える
Common words using this Kanji:
数字(すうじ):numeric character
数える(かぞえる):to count; to enumerate
154. 件
Meaning : matter; case; item; affair; subject
Onyomi : けん
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
件名(けんめい):title, name (of an even)
用件(ようけん):business; thing to be done; something that should be performed;
155. 再
Meaning : again, twice, second time
Onyomi : さい, さ
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
再入国(さいにゅうこく):re-entry into a country
再来週(さらいしゅう):week after next
再生(さいせい):rebirth; reincarnation