Learn N3 Kanji Unit 18: 交, 差, 点, 橋, 公
86. 交
Meaning : alternately, crossing; intersection
Onyomi : こう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
交番 (こうばん): police box
交互 (こうご): mutual, reciprocal
交通 (こうつう):traffic, transportation
交換 (こうかん):exchange, interchange
国交 (こっこう): diplomatic relations
交際 (こうさい): company, friendship
交代 (こうたい): alternation, change
交易 (こうえき): trade, commerce
交渉 (こうしょう): negotiations
社交 (しゃこう): social life
87. 差
Meaning : difference
Onyomi : さ
Kunyomi : さ-す
Common words using this Kanji:
時差 (じさ): time difference
誤差 (ごさ): measurement error; calculation error
点差 (てんさ): point spread; point difference
差別 (さべつ): distinction; differentiation; discrimination
交差 (こうさ): crossing; intersection
格差 (かくさ): qualitative difference; disparity; gap
差異 (さい): difference; disparity; gap
88. 点
Meaning : point
Onyomi : てん
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
点数 (てんすう): marks; points; score; grade; runs (baseball)
点検 (てんけん): inspection; examination; checking
点差 (てんさ): point spread; point difference
頂点 (ちょうてん): top; summit
得点 (とくてん): scoring; score; points made; marks obtained; goals; runs
欠点 (けってん): fault; defect; flaw; weak point; weakness
要点 (ようてん): gist; main point
満点 (まんてん): perfect score; full marks
弱点 (じゃくてん): weak point; weakness; shortcoming
重点 (じゅうてん): important point; emphasis
終点 (しゅうてん): erminus; last stop (e.g. train)
観点 (かんてん): point of view
交差点(こうさてん):a crossing; an intersection; a crossroads
89. 橋
Meaning : Bridge
Onyomi : きょう
Kunyomi : はし
Common words using this Kanji:
架橋 (かきょう): bridge-building; bridge construction
橋台 (きょうだい): bridge abutment
橋畔 (きょうはん): approach to a bridge
鉄橋 (てっきょう): railway bridge; iron bridge
陸橋 (りっきょう): viaduct; overhead bridge; overpass
歩道橋(ほどうきょう):a footbridge; a pedestrian overpass
90. 公
Meaning : public; open; formal; official; governmental
Onyomi : こう
Kunyomi :
Common words using this Kanji:
公正 (こうせい): justice, fairness
公的 (こうてき): public, official
公民 (こうみん): citizen, freemen
公選 (こうせん): public election
公共 (こうきょう): public, community
公判 (こうはん): public hearing, trial
公開 (こうかい): open to the public
公務 (こうむ): official business
公明 (こうめい): fairness, justice
公然 (こうぜん): open, public
公益 (こうえき): public interest
公道(こうどう):public road