N2 Vocabulary – Unit 8
All Japanese Vocabulary for JLPT N2. JLPT N2 Vocabulary List.
Hope, the above document will be helpful for those who are studying Japanese.
I wish you good study, good exam.
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
681 | 映る | うつる | be reflected; be (on television); look (like) |
682 | 映す | うつす | mirror; project; reflect |
683 | つかる | be flooded, soak; absorb in, devote oneself | |
684 | つける | soak | |
685 | 浮かぶ | うかぶ | float; think of; surface, come up with |
686 | 浮かべる | うかべる | float; have |
687 | 浮く | うく | float; rise; set someone off from one’s peers; save |
688 | 潜る | もぐる | submerge oneself; slip into ~ ; hide |
689 | 跳ねる | はねる | jump, splash; decapitate; run over |
690 | 背負う | せおう | carry ~ on one’s back; be burdened with, shoulder |
691 | 追う | おう | run after, chase; pursue; drive out |
692 | 追いかける | おいかける | run after; chase |
693 | 追いつく | おいつく | catch up (with ~ ) |
694 | 追い越す | おいこす | pass, get ahead of |
695 | 振り向く | ふりむく | look around; pay attention to |
696 | 採る/捕る/執る | とる | employ, assume, adopt; find oneself in charge; write; |
697 | 取り上げる | とりあげる | pick up; take up, select |
698 | 取り入れる | とりいれる | take in; harvest; adopt |
699 | 削る | けずる | sharpen; cut down, reduce; remove |
700 | 縛る | しばる | tie, bind |
701 | 絞る/搾る | しぼる | squeeze; turn down, grill; |
702 | 回る | まわる | revolve, handle, make a tour, be past, |
703 | 回す | まわす | turn (on); pass; send; transfer; invest |
704 | 区切る | くぎる | punctuate, divide |
705 | 組む | くむ | cross; join forces, unite; draw up |
706 | 組み立てる | くみたてる | put together, assemble |
707 | 加わる | くわわる | add; let ~ join; increase |
708 | 加える | くわえる | join; be added; increase |
709 | 仕上がる | しあがる | be finished, be completed |
710 | 仕上げる | しあげる | finish, complete |
711 | 通り掛かる | とおりかかる | happen to pass by |
712 | 飛び回る | とびまわる | fly about; rush about, rush from place to place |
713 | 巡る | めぐる | spin round; move around; circle |
714 | 補う | おぎなう | supplment |
715 | 防ぐ | ふせぐ | protect, prevent |
716 | 救う | すくう | save, relieve |
717 | 除く | のぞく | take away; remove; exclude |
718 | 省く | はぶく | omit; save |
719 | 誤る | あやまる | make a mistake, err |
720 | 奪う | うばう | take ( a thing) by force; absorb (one’s attention), fascinate |
721 | しまう | put back | |
722 | 怠ける | なまける | be lazy, neglect |
723 | 失う | うしなう | loose; miss; lose (someone ) becoz of death; lose conscionusness |
724 | 攻める | せめる | attack |
725 | にらむ | stare (at); incur one’s displeasure | |
726 | 責める | せめる | blame |
727 | 裏切る | うらぎる | betray; disappoint, be contrary to one’s expectation |
728 | 頼る | たよる | rely on, depend on; count on |
729 | 遭う | あう | encounter, meet with |
730 | 招く | まねく | invite; beckon; call in; bring about, cause |
731 | 引っ掛かる | ひっかかる | get caught, be hooked, be cheated |
732 | 引っ掛ける | ひっかける | scartch; throw on; splash; cheat; have a drink |
733 | ひっくり返る | ひっくりかえる | turn over, reverse; fall (one one’s back); be in confusion |
734 | ひっくり返す | ひっくりかえす | overturn; knock over; turn out |
735 | ずれる | slip (out of place); be not in the right place; deviate; be off the point | |
736 | ずらす | shift; put off; stray from (the point) | |
737 | 崩れる | くずれる | fall to pieces, collapse |
738 | 崩す | くずす | level, break down, collapse |
739 | 荒れる | あれる | be rough; get out of control, behave violently |
740 | 荒らす | あらす | break into; raid; devastate |
741 | 認める | みとめる | admit, confess; authorize, permit; recognize; see |
742 | 見直す | みなおす | look again; reconsider; have a better opinion of |
743 | 見慣れる | みなれる | familiar, get used to seeing |
744 | 求める | もとめる | look for, seek; demand; buy |
745 | 漏れる | もれる | leak (out); escape, express; be left out |
746 | 漏らす | もらす | spill, let out; express; miss |
747 | なる | bear | |
748 | 焦げる | こげる | be burned |
749 | 反する | はんする | be contrary to, against; violate |
750 | 膨れる | ふくれる | swell; increase; sulk |
751 | 膨らむ | ふくらむ | swell out, be full of ~; increase |
752 | 膨らます | ふくらます | puff out (one’s cheeks), swell, inflate; be filled with |
753 | とがる | get pointed (sharp) | |
754 | 当てはまる | あてはまる | apply ( a rule to a case) |
755 | 就く | つく | get (a job), become; get to |
756 | 受け持つ | うけもつ | be in charge (of ~) |
757 | 従う | したがう | obey, follow, go along |
758 | つぶやく | mutter | |
759 | 述べる | のべる | state, express |
760 | 目覚める | めざめる | wake (up); open one’s eyes, be awakened |
761 | 限る | かぎる | not (only); be the best; on that particular occasion |
762 | 偏る/片寄る | かたよる | cluster on one side; be biased (prejudiced) |
763 | 薄まる | うすまる | attenuate |
764 | 薄める | うすめる | attenuate, dilute (the liquid), weaken |
765 | 薄れる | うすれる | get faint, fade |
766 | 透き通る | すきとおる | be transparent, be clear |
767 | 静まる/鎮まる | しずまる | become quiet, subside, be calmed down |
768 | 静める/鎮める | しずめる | quiet, relieve, calm down |
769 | 優れる | すぐれる | excel, excellent; (do not ) feel well |
770 | 落ち着く | おちつく | keep calm; settle(down); unobtrusive |
771 | 長引く | ながびく | be prolonged |
772 | 衰える | おとろえる | be weaker; decline |
773 | 備わる | そなわる | be equipped (with); possess, be endowed with |
774 | 備える | そなえる | furnish; possess, be endowed with; prepare |
775 | 蓄える | たくわえる | save, store; have a great reserve of |
776 | 整う | ととのう | be ready; proper, well-formed |
777 | 整える/調える | ととのえる | prepare; fix; adjust |
778 | 覆う | おおう | cover |
779 | 照る | てる | shine |
780 | 照らす | てらす | shine; in the light of |
781 | 染まる | そまる | be dyned; be tinged with; be affected by |
782 | 染める | そめる | dye; blush, tinge; have (a hand) in |
783 | ダブる | be doubled, fall on | |
784 | あこがれる | long for | |
785 | うらやむ | envy, be envious (of) | |
786 | あきらめる | abandon, give up | |
787 | あきれる | be disgusted [shocked] | |
788 | 恐れる | おそれる | fear, be afraid of; fierce; terribly |
789 | 恨む | うらむ | have a grudge, feel resentment |
790 | 慰める | なぐさめる | comfort, console |