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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 6 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 6 Grammar

Lesson 6 we will learn about the direct object expression of the verb, distinguish [な ん] and [な に]. Besides, we also learn about useful sentence patterns.

1. The noun + を + The verb
Meaning: Doing something / doing something
* The verb here is the verb (the verb describes the action of a person acting on another person or thing)
Usage: The adverb [を] is used to indicate the direct object of the verb
For example:
ジュース を 飲(の)みます。
I drink fruit juice.

* を and お pronounce the same. But を is only used for writing auxiliary words.

2. The noun + を + します
Meaning: Doing something
Usage: The verb します can be used with various nouns (object) to perform the action indicated by the noun.
For example:
サッカー を します
Play football

トランプ を します
Playing card

パーティー を します
Party organizing

会議(かいぎ) を します
Hold the meeting

宿題(しゅくだい) を します
Do homework

仕事(しごと) を します

3. なん & なに
Both mean “What”, but are used in different cases:
When it is before a word, the first word belongs to た, だ, な

それ は なん ですか。
What is that?

なん の ほんですか。
What book is that?

ねる まえ)に、なん と いいますか。
What do you say before going to sleep?

When なん is the word for quantity

テレサちゃん は なんさいですか。
How old is Teresa?

[な に]
Used in the remaining cases.

なに を かいますか。
What will you buy?

4. Noun (location) + で + Verb
Meaning: What to do where
Usage: When standing after a noun indicating the location, [で] indicates the location where the action took place
For example :
えき で しんぶん を かいます。
I bought the newspaper at the station.

5. The verb + ませんか
Meaning: Do anything
Usage: use when you invite, ask someone to do something
For example :
いっしょに きょうと へ いきませんか。
Let’s go to Kyoto?

Yes, good.

6. The verb + ましょう
Meaning: Let’s do something
Usage: suggest what the listener does with the speaker
An invitation to use V ませんか shows more interest in the listener than V ましょう
For example :
ちょっと やすみましょう
Let’s have a rest together

Let’s go eat together

7. お
In lesson 3, the prefix [お] is placed before words related to the listener or other person to show respect.
For example:
[お] く に: your country
[お] is also used with many other words when the speaker is polite.
For example:
[お] さ け: alcohol
[お] は な み: watch the cherry blossoms bloom
There are also words used with お, but they do not mean respect or politeness.
For example:
お ち ゃ: tea
お か ね: money

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