Minna No Nihongo Lesson 41 Grammar
1. How to speak give and receive
Noun 1 に Noun 2 を やります
Meaning: I give someone something
[やります] is used in place of [あげます] when the recipient of the act has a lower status, is younger, the animals, the plants, ..
[あげます] is used with his in same level
[さしあげます] is used to show respect and respect that should be used with the above person
For example:
わたしは おとうと に さいふを やります
I give my brother a wallet.
わたしは ねこに さかなを やります
I feed the cats eat fish
わたしは はなに みずを やります
I water the flowers
Noun 1 に Noun 2 を いただきます
Meaning: (you) get (from someone) something
[いただきます] is a humble language used in place of [もらいます]
Showing humility, humility of the recipient towards the person giving the speaker something from an older person , social status above you (except for family members), people who are not very familiar with you or want to show respect for the person for you .
For those who are equal or lower than we use [もらいます]
* Note: The subject of this verb is always [わたし]
わたしは 社 長 に とけいを いただきます
I received a watch from the director
わたしは 先生に プレゼントを いただきました
I received a gift from a teacher
わたしは 父に お金を いただきます
I received money from dad
Noun 1 に Noun 2 を くださいます
Meaning: (someone) give me something
Used when the person higher giving or giving something to you
If you receive it from other subjects that are equal or lower than you, use [くれます]
* The subject of this verb is always the second person pronoun or the 3rd person, never is [わたし]
しゃちょう は わたしに とけいを くださいます
The director gave me a watch
せんせいは わたしに ボールペンを くださいます
teacher give me a ballpoint pen
ははは わたしに はなを くださいます
Mom gave me flowers
Note: 「くださいます」 and 「くれます」 is also used when the recipient is a family member of the speaker
ぶちょうは いもうと に おみやげを くださいました。
The manager gave my sister a gift
2. Giving on behavior
The verb form て +やります
Meaning: to do what (for whom)
Usage: meaning of goodwill and kindness when doing something (limited only use with younger brothers, sisters, children in the family or with animals and plants)
わたしは むすめに おもちゃを かってやりました
I buy toys for girls
わたし は おとうとに たんじょうびのパーティーを じゅんびして やりました
I was preparing for my brother’s birthday party
わたしは いぬを さんぽに つれて いって やります
I take my dog for a walk
Verb て + いただきます
Meaning: What could someone do?
Indicate the gratitude of the person who receives help
The expression is more polite and humble than compare to [~てもらいます]
The subject of the sentence is always [わたし]
わたしは すずきさんに にほんごを おしえて いただきました
I was her Suzuki teach Japanese.
わたしは なかむらさんに ほんしゃへ つれて いって いただきました
I was him Nakamura leads to corporate headquarters
Verb て + くださいます
Meaning: who does what
Expressing the appreciation of the person who receives help
The subject is the one who performs the action
ぶちょうのおくさんは 「わたしに」にほんりょうりを つくって くださいました
The chief’s wife cooked (let me eat) Japanese food
かいしゃのひとは( わたし に)この コンピューターのつかいかたを おしえてく ださいました
People in the company taught (to me) how to use this computer
3. The verb form て + くださいませんか
Expression and history thanks to those with high status, their higher age or who do not know
Compared verbs てくださいませんか is not equal
For example:
すみませんが、もういちど せつめいして くださいませんか。
Sorry, could you explain one more time for me?
4. Noun に Verb
Meaning: auxiliary [に] means “to do”, “to do” (presents, …)
For example:
たなかさんが けっこんのおいわいに このさらを くださいました
Mr. Tanaka gave me a plate as a wedding gift.
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