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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 32 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 32 Grammar

1. The verb form た / the verb form な い + ほうがいいです
Meaning: should / shouldn’t
Usage: Used to advise someone to do / do nothing which is good for them
For example:
ま い に ち う ん ど う し た ほ う が い い で す
Every day should exercise

So, don’t take a bath

* Differences between [~たほうがいい] and [~たらいい] :
[~たほうがいい] is used to give simple invitations and [~たらいい] indicates the comparison and selection of 2 objects

2. Verbs, the adjectives in the tail [い], the adjectives in the tail [な], and regular nouns + でしょう
Meaning: probably
Usage: indicates the speaker’s inference based on some certain information
* List can switch from the usual drop [だ] For example:
Maybe it will rain tomorrow

3. Verb, adjective adjective [い], adjective adjective [な], and ordinary nouns + かもしれません
Meaning: probably / also do not know about
Usage: also indicates the conjecture of the speaker but the probability of occurrence is less than 50%
* Nouns that change into regular forms remove [だ]

For example:
Snow is likely to fall in the afternoon also

4. きっと / たぶん / もしかしたら
This adverb is used in cases where the speaker is fairly certain of him about his guess.
Probability ranges from very high to equivalent [でしょう]

For example:
Mr. Miller will come

Rain will probably rain tomorrow

This adverb denotes the degree of certainty lower than [きっと].
Often used with [でしょう] and [~ともっています]

For example:
Will Mr. Miller come?

Maybe he will come

I think Yamada-san doesn’t know this news

Usage :
This adverb is used with [~かもしれません] Compared to sentences without [もしかしたら], the sentence that has [もしかしたら] indicates a lower probability
For example:
もしかしたら さんがつに そつぎょうできない かもしれません
Maybe in March, I won’t graduate

5. Amount of words で
Usage: Indicates the limit on progress, time, amount required for a state, movement or event to occur.
For example
Can we go to the station in 30 minutes?

Can I buy a camera for 30,000 yen?

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