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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 31 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 31 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 31 Grammar with the following vocabulary, you can learn Japanese anytime and anywhere effectively.

1. The affirmative
How to form the intention body is as follows:

Group 1
Change the final sound of form [ま す] to the sound that is in the same row as the sequence [お], then add [う] later

Verb The affirmative
かきます かこう
ききます きこう
およぎます およごう
のみます のもう
あそびます あそぼう
まちます まとう
とります とろう
あいます あおう
はなします はなそう

Group 2
Add [よう] to the following [ます] For example:
たべ る ———> たべよう
はじめる ——> はじめよう

Group 3
する —> しよう
くる —> きよう

2. How to use the intention
In the regular
expression form The intention form is used in the normal sentence as a regular form of [~ ましょう] Example:
Take a break

Verbs intention + と + おもっています
Meaning: evaluate
Expressing intentions of the said

The speaker’s intention was formed before the present and the present is ongoing
I am going to the beach for the weekend

I am going to the bank

* Can be used to indicate the intention of the 3rd person
He said he was planning to work abroad

3. Dictionary-form verb / verb +
Dictionary-form verb + to express intention to do something
Verb + to express intention to do nothing
Even when I returned home, I decided to continue practicing Judo

I decided not to smoke since tomorrow

* the verb form in the つもりです form expresses a more solid and verbatim decision than the verb form とおもっています

4. Fully noun / verb + よてい
Usage: talk about intention or plan
なながつのおわりに どいつへしゅっちょする予定です
planned end of July I went to work in Germany

According intended trip is 1 week

5. ま だ + verb form て + いません
Usage: Used to describe something that has not yet arisen or an action that has not been performed
Bank has not opened

Report writing done?

いいえ、まだ かいていません
No, I haven’t finished writing yet

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