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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 25 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 25 Grammar

1. The regular form of past tense + ら 、 。。。
Meaning: If / suppose ~, …
Usage: Used when the speaker wants to express his / her opinions, status and requirements in case the conditions are assumed
For example:
かねが あったら、りょこうします。
If I had money I would travel

じかんが なかったら、テレビを みません。
If I didn’t have time I wouldn’t watch TV

やすかったら、パソコンを かいたいです。
If it’s cheap I want to buy a computer

If you have free time, please give me a hand

If the weather is nice, would you walk with me?

2. The verb form た+ら
Meaning: after ~
How to use:
Indicates that an action or behavior will be performed or a situation will occur when an event that is presumed to have occurred in the future is completed or achieved.
The tense of the main clause is always in the present tense
For example :
We will go out when 11 o’clock

うちへ かえったら、すぐ シャワーを あびます。
When I got home, I took a shower immediately

なんじごろ けんがくに いきますか。
About what time is it to visit?

ひるごはんを たべたら、すぐ いきます。
After finishing lunch, go immediately

3. Reverse condition
Structure :
The verb form て + も
Adjective ending [い] remove [い] + くて + も
Adjective nouns / tails [な] remove [な] + で + も
Meaning: Although ~, together ~
Usage: used when an action in a certain situation is supposed to be done but not done, something that should have happened but did not happen, or a result contrary to common sense of everyone.
For example:
たかくても、このラジカセを かいたいです。
Although expensive, I still want to buy this radio-cassette

しずかでも、ねることが できません。
Although quiet, but could not sleep

にちようびでも、しごとを します。
Although it is Sunday but still working

4. もし and いくら
Usage: [もし] is used in the model sentence [~ たら] to emphasize the speaker’s hypothesis
For example :
もし おくえんあったら、いろいろなくにを りょこうしたいです。
If I had 100 million yen I would like to travel a lot

Usage: [いくら] is used in the sentence pattern [~ ても (~ でも], to emphasize the degree of conditional
For example :
いくら かんがえても、わかりません。
No matter how much I thought, I couldn’t understand

5. The noun + が
How to use:
Adverbs indicate the subject in the subclause
In addition to sub-clauses with 「から」, in sub-clauses with 「~たら」、「~手も」、「~と」、「~とき」、「~まえに」、… also use 「が」 to denote subject.
For example:
Before you went to play, I cleaned the room

When my wife was sick, I quit work.

If you didn’t make it in time, what would you do?

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