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Minna No Nihongo Lesson 19 Grammar

Minna No Nihongo Lesson 19 Grammar

Lesson 19 we will learn about the verb form た, is considered one of the important foundations in learning Japanese. Besides, the sentence structure [なります] will also be introduced to us in a different way.

1. The verb form [た]
The verb form [た] is divided like the verb form [て] just change [て] to [た], [で] to [だ]

Group 1 verb

Verb form [た]
かきます かいた
ききます きいた
およぎます およいだ
のみます のんだ
あそびます あそんだ
まちます まった
とります とった
あいます あった
はなします はなした

Group 2 verb:
Bundle [ます] and add [た] later
For example:

Group 3 verb:

2. The verb form [た]こと + が あります
Meaning: Once
Usage: talking about an experience you have encountered and experienced in the past. Describe the infrequent occurrence
For example :
Have you ever been to Japan?

Not yet, never

Have you ever drunk alcohol?

はい。あります/ はい、2回(かい)あります。
Yes, ever / Yes, twice.

3. The verb form [た] り 、 The verb form [た] り + します
Meaning: what to do, what to do …
How to use :
List some representative actions among the many actions that the subject performs without chronological order, no matter which happens first, which happens later.
The tense of the sentence pattern is indicated at the end of the sentence.
For example :
On Sundays I clean the house and wash clothes, etc.

きのう こうえんをさんぽしたり、レストランでしょくじしたりしました。
Yesterday I went for a walk in the park and ate at a restaurant, etc.

Every night I listen to music, write kanji, etc.

4. なります
Meaning: to become, to become to indicate a change in state
Adjective tail [い]
Remove ending [い] and replace it with [く] + [なります]
For example:
さむいーーー>さむく なります

Adjective tail [な]
Remove ending [な] and replace it with [に] + [なります]
Become well

Add [に] + [なります]
For example :
Turning 25

5. そうですね
How to use :
Used to indicate agreement or sympathy with what the conversation partner said because he knew it or meant it
We can express the same thing when we say [そうですか] when we lower our voice at the end of the sentence.
For example :
It’s getting cold already

Yes, that’s right!

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