Kanji Look And Learn – Lesson 32
Let’s send you basic Kanji N5 learning materials.
– Kanji look and learn is a Kanji look and learn book, compiled specifically for learning the 512 basic Chinese characters of the N5 and N4 levels and a part of N3 Chinese characters.
– With document 512 Kanji look and learn Version helps you to master in detail and concretely all the issues related to 1 Kanji to be confident for N5 and N4 exam, step into learning Kanji N3.
Hope this document helps you learn how to read, how to write and how to use it.
Wish everyone good study, good exam.
497, 危 : dangerous
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 危ない | あぶない | Dangerous |
2 | 危険 | きけん | danger |
3 | 危うい | あやうい | Dangerous |
4 | 危害 | きがい | harm; injury |
5 | 危機 | きき | crisis |
6 | 危篤 | きとく | Critical condition |
498, 険 : steep
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 危険 | きけん | danger |
2 | 険しい山 | けわしいやま | steep mountain |
3 | 冒険 | ぼうけん | adventure |
4 | 保険 | ほけん | insurrance |
5 | 険悪な | けんあくな | cruel; hostile |
499, 拾 : to pick up
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 拾う | ひろう | to pick up |
2 | 拾得物 | しゅうとくぶつ | something found |
500, 捨 : to throw away
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 捨てる | すてる | throw away |
2 | 見捨てる | みすてる | to abandom |
3 | 四捨五入 | ししゃごにゅう | Rounding off (to the nearst number) |
4 | 取捨選択 | しゅしゃせんたく | selection; sorting out |
501, 戻 : to return
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 戻る | もどる | to return to (a place) |
2 | 戻す | もどす | return (something) |
3 | 払い戻す | はらいもどす | Refund |
4 | 取り戻す | とりもどす | to take back |
5 | 返戻金 | へんれいきん | Refund |
502, 吸 : to inhale
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | たばこを吸う | たばこをすう | smoking |
2 | 吸う | すう | to breathe in |
3 | 呼吸する | こきゅうする | to breathe |
4 | 吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption |
5 | 吸い殻 | すいがら | cigarette butt; cigarette ash |
503, 放 : to release
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 放す | はなす | release; let go of |
2 | 放送 | ほうそう | broadcasting |
3 | 開放する | かいほうする | to open |
4 | 解放する | かいほうする | to release |
5 | 追放 | ついほう | exile; deportation |
6 | 手放す | てばなす | to give up ownership |
7 | 放射能 | ほうしゃのう | radioactivity |
8 | 放火 | ほうか | arson |
504, 変 : to change / weird
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 変な | へんな | strange; weird |
2 | 変わる | かわる | (something) changes |
3 | 変える | かえる | to change (something) |
4 | 大変 | たいへん | hard; very |
5 | 変化 | へんか | change |
6 | 変更 | へんこう | alteration |
7 | 相変わらず | あいかわらず | as before; as usual |
505, 歯 : tooth
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 歯 | は | tooth |
2 | 歯医者 | はいしゃ | dentist |
3 | 虫歯 | むしば | decay tooth |
4 | 歯磨き | はみがき | brushing teeth |
5 | 歯科 | しか | dentistry |
506, 髪 : hair
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 髪 | かみ | hair |
2 | 髪の毛 | かみのけ | hair |
3 | 洗髪 | せんぱつ | shampoo |
4 | 散髪 | さんぱつ | haircut |
5 | 髪型 | かみがた | hair style |
6 | 金髪 | きんぱつ | blonde |
7 | 黒髪 | くろかみ | black hair |
8 | 白髪 | はくはつ/しらが | white hair; Gray hair |
507, 絵 : picture
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 絵 | え | picture |
2 | 絵本 | えほん | picture book |
3 | 絵の具 | えのぐ | paint |
4 | 絵画 | かいが | painting |
5 | 油絵 | あぶらえ | oil paint |
6 | 墨絵 | すみえ | monochrome painting; painting in black ink |
7 | 浮世絵 | うきよかい | ukiyoe paintings |
8 | 似顔絵 | にがおえ | portrait painting |
508, 横 : beside
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 横 | よこ | side; beside |
2 | 横切る | よこぎる | to cross |
3 | 横断歩道 | おうだんほどう | pedestrian crossing |
4 | 横断する | おうだんする | to across |
5 | 横綱 | よこづな | sumo grand champion |
509, 当 : to hit
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 本当に | ほんとうに | really |
2 | 当たる | あたる | hit (bullets); to be hit |
3 | お弁当 | おべんとう | Lunch box (lunch) |
4 | 適当 | てきとう | Compatible; fit; suitable |
5 | 当てる | あてる | to hit |
6 | 当時 | とうじ | at that time |
7 | 担当 | たんとう | responsible; undertake; In charge |
8 | 当然 | とうぜん | naturally; of course |
510, 伝 : to convey
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 伝える | つたえる | to convey |
2 | 手伝う | てつだう | to help |
3 | 伝言 | でんごん | message |
4 | 伝統 | でんとう | traditional |
5 | 宣伝 | せんでん | advertisement |
6 | 伝染 | でんせん | Contagion; infectiousness; spread |
7 | 伝記 | でんき | biography |
8 | 遺伝子 | いでんし | genes |
511, 細 : thin
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 細い | ほそい | thin |
2 | 細かい | こまかい | detail |
3 | 細長い | ほそながい | long and narrow |
4 | 細胞 | さいぼう | cell |
5 | 細菌 | さいきん | bacteria |
6 | 心細い | こころぼそい | helpless; lonesome |
7 | 詳細 | しょうさい | detail |
8 | 細工 | さいく | craftsmanship |
512, 無 : none
Related vocabulary:
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
1 | 無理な | むりな | impossible |
2 | 無料 | むりょう | free of charge |
3 | 無い | ない | don’t have; there is no |
4 | 無事 | ぶじ | Safety |
5 | 無駄な | むだな | wasteful; Useless |
6 | 無礼な | ぶれいな | rude; there is no courtesy |
Read more:
Kanji Look And Learn – Lesson 31