かねる (kaneru)
Meaning: unable to do something; can’t do something
How to use the: Verb-ますstem + かねる
Example sentences:
1, そのご意見には賛成しかねます。
Sono go iken ni wa sansei shi kanemasu.
It is difficult to agree with his idea
2, はっきり申しあげておかねばなりませんが、それはわたしにはできかねることです。家もなければ、友だちもいない、一人ぼっちのわたしなのですから。
hakkiri moushiagete okaneba narimasen ga, sore wa watashi ni wa deki kaneru koto desu. ie mo nakereba, tomodachi mo inai, hitori bocchi no watashi na no desu kara.
That, I must plainly tell you, is out of my power to do, being absolutely without home and friends.
3, 残念ながら、そのご提案はお受けいたしかねます
Zan’nen’nagara, sono go teian wa o uke itashi kanemasu
Unfortunately, we can’t accept that suggestion.
4, その人が、あまりにも子供の心理を理解していないようなしかり方をするものだから、見かねて、つい口を出してしまったんだ。
Sono hito ga, amarini mo kodomo no shinri o rikai shite inai yōna shikari-kata o suru monodakara, mikanete, tsui kuchi o dashite shimatta nda.
Because I saw him yelling at children but did not understand anything about their psychology, I could not help but have to speak up.
5, さあ、約束はできかねる。
saa, yakusoku wa dekikaneru.
Well, I can’t promise that.
Sentence form is positive but negative.