How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese
You don’t need to know more complex grammar patterns, here are some most basic sentences that you can use for self-introduction.
1. こんにちは
2. 初めまして
Hajimemashite –
Nice to meet you
3. 私の名前は ___ です
Watashi no namae wa ___ desu
My name is ___
4. ___人です
___ jin desu
I am from ___
5. ___ です –
___ desu
I am___ (a student / a professor etc.)
6. 私は___が好きです
Watashi wa ___ ga suki desu –
I like ___
初(はじ)めまして。”Hajime-mashite.” It’s a great pleasure to meet you.
私(わたし)はJohn Doeと申(もう)します。”Watashi wa John Doe to mohshi-masu.” I’m John Doe.
Sonyに勤務(きんむ)しています。”Sony ni kinmu shite i-masu.” I work for Sony.
趣味(しゅみ)は旅行(りょこう)とゴルフです。”Shumi wa ryokoh to golf desu.” My hobbies are travel and golf.
よろしく お願(ねが)い します。”Yoroshiku o-negai shi-masu.” *
* This phrase is difficult to translate. Literal translation of it might be “Please be good to me. Thanks,” but it’s merely a lubricant in social life and works all-around. The most appropriate occasion for using it is after self-introduction or after asking something to somebody.
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