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How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese

How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese

You don’t need to know more complex grammar patterns, here are some most basic sentences that you can use for self-introduction.

1. こんにちは

2. 初めまして
Hajimemashite –
Nice to meet you

3. 私の名前は ___ です
Watashi no namae wa ___ desu
My name is ___

4. ___人です
___ jin desu
I am from ___

5. ___ です –
___ desu
I am___ (a student / a professor etc.)

6. 私は___が好きです
Watashi wa ___ ga suki desu –
I like ___


初(はじ)めまして。”Hajime-mashite.” It’s a great pleasure to meet you.

私(わたし)はJohn Doeと申(もう)します。”Watashi wa John Doe to mohshi-masu.” I’m John Doe.

Sonyに勤務(きんむ)しています。”Sony ni kinmu shite i-masu.” I work for Sony.

趣味(しゅみ)は旅行(りょこう)とゴルフです。”Shumi wa ryokoh to golf desu.” My hobbies are travel and golf.

よろしく お願(ねが)い します。”Yoroshiku o-negai shi-masu.” *

* This phrase is difficult to translate. Literal translation of it might be “Please be good to me. Thanks,” but it’s merely a lubricant in social life and works all-around. The most appropriate occasion for using it is after self-introduction or after asking something to somebody.

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