How to Ask “Where Is?” in Japanese
“Where?” – どこで Doko DE or どこに Doko NI?
Let’s learn about Japanese question word “where?” どこ DOKO.
When you simply ask “where is it?” you say どこですか?DOKO desu ka? However, when you want to ask where do you? where will you? or where did you? things are not that simple. This lesson explains what particle you need to add to DOKO depending on the verb you have in the question.
Example sentences:
Ken san wa doko desu ka?
Where is ken?
Watashi no hon ha doko desu ka
Where is my book?
Igirisu no doko kara kimashita ka
Where in England do you come from?
anata wa doko desu ka?
Where are you?
doko ni imasu ka?
Where are (you) at?
takana-san wa doko ni imasu ka?
Where are you at (Tanaka-san)?
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