“You are welcome” in Japanese
These phrases vary in formality, so you can choose one based on the situation and your relationship with the person you’re speaking to.
1. どういたしまして (Dou itashimashite) – This is the most common and polite way to say “you’re welcome.”
2. どうぞ (Douzo) – Often used in response to thanks, it can mean “please” or “here you go,” depending on the context.
3. いいえ (Iie) – Literally means “no,” but can also be used to mean “you’re welcome” in a humble way.
4. どうぞお役に立てて光栄です (Douzo o-yaku ni tatete kouei desu) – This is a very formal way to express “you’re welcome,” implying that it was an honor to be of service.
5. いえいえ (Ieie) – Informal and friendly way to say “you’re welcome,” often used among friends or in casual situations.
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